Origins: Can we get a non-rushed TLE this time, please?


Active member
The original version of prismatic was discovered and all raid content cleared in 3 months.

That was without guides , I expect this to be done inside of a month tops.
1 month is still better than the 1 week it usually takes TLE.
They could also implement the level gating mechanic they're doing for the Beta in the Live version, if they want the server to progress even more slowly.


Active member
maybe Everquest II Origins might see similar success that WOW Classic had (they are using about a 12 month expansion progression window)
Vanilla WoW originally lasted over 2 years. So ya it makes sense for it to last 1 year on their classic servers.
There is no world where EQ2 vanilla (Shattered Lands) should ever last 1 year.
If this is a genuine classic eq2 experience, 6 months would be fine (maybe 8 months if no XP potions). Much more than that is silly.


Active member
They could also implement the level gating mechanic they're doing for the Beta in the Live version, if they want the server to progress even more slowly.
Honestly, I've thought the same thing, and the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I'm acutely aware that I'm well and truly in a minority there, though.


Honestly, I've thought the same thing, and the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I'm acutely aware that I'm well and truly in a minority there, though.
Yeah, same here. Feeling like you're playing catch up due to work or RL commitments or whatever can be frustrating (it caused me to lose all enthusiasm for Varsoon late last year) and something like this would definitely ameliorate that. But I also understand that most folks likely wouldn't enjoy it and it would end up having a negative effect on player retention.


I think it is very important for this TLE to go much slower in term of progressing the content. Honestly, having a more to original time frame 12 to 8 months per expansion would be great. There is a lot of content and exploration that does not get touched because you have to keep up with jones' (looming new expansions). I for one was a hardcore raider 95% of the time that I played EQ2 but what I really want now from the game is to be able explore and have fun with friends, read some quest (I never knew they had text. The more they said the fast I would click), I want to be immersed in to the word of Norrath; and I would assume so would you. You and I have seen the sleepless nights, the wet diapers, the world wide first kills, the lets just pull one more time 8 hours in to your 4 hour raid. Why do it again in the same RUSHED way once again. Having a deliberate slow down of progression would allow "our commutation to nurture our casual (sometime they are bad but they are still good people, our people) and of course the newcomers (and we all know that they are much needed. If they do this right, just maybe Everquest II Origins might see similar success that WOW Classic had (they are using about a 12 month expansion progression window) BTW I get it WOW is a dirty word around here but all I am saying is they had the opportunity and executed effectively. In my humble opinion, there is a huge opportunity here if successfully executed EQ2 Origins could surpass EQ2 LIVE. The real original version of EQ2 is dominates in many ways to these "TLE" they have been putting out and they have just now realized this and are doing there best to present it to us. Anyways as a community we should push for not only the old school version but the old school time frame. Well that is all I have for now. Have a nice day.
It's a risky bet, in a world where everything is done to move quickly, where the pleasure is no longer in contemplation, Where scroller is king, in any cultural field . Eq2 did not escape it .

Yet the idea is pleasant ,
But this raises questions. Will there be enough players to join in this dance?
Often veteran players, knowing the game by heart, even more than their designers .
Without new blood, without advertising to get them there, wouldn't it be a slow server, simply thanks to mathematically slowed progression?

From my point of view it is not the server that should be slower, more this or that, to make the experience better.
Advertise, bring in a real flow of new players, ready to contemplate your world.
This is one of the keys to the cog.
Playing only between veterans, slowed down or not, the discovery is far behind us.
There are too few new players .
A little more advertising, more visibility, it's so simple these days, would already be a step towards more interesting servers .


New member
Vanilla WoW originally lasted over 2 years. So ya it makes sense for it to last 1 year on their classic servers.
There is no world where EQ2 vanilla (Shattered Lands) should ever last 1 year.
If this is a genuine classic eq2 experience, 6 months would be fine (maybe 8 months if no XP potions). Much more than that is silly.
1.5x-2x speed would be satisfactory to almost the entire audience. It's not too long to burnout the super-players but plenty of time for everyone to enjoy the content.

Also content drops could be sprinkled in as they were originally, unless there were none? I didn't get to experience the original EQ2 and the TLEs are too fast paced for me to really see much, but I assume there were multiple raid tiers of content no?
1.5x-2x speed would be satisfactory to almost the entire audience. It's not too long to burnout the super-players but plenty of time for everyone to enjoy the content.

Also content drops could be sprinkled in as they were originally, unless there were none? I didn't get to experience the original EQ2 and the TLEs are too fast paced for me to really see much, but I assume there were multiple raid tiers of content no?
The "content drops" came in the form of the two adventure packs, Bloodline Chronicles and Splitpaw Saga. There weren't additional raid tiers "added" to the game (in t5).
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New member
The "content drops" came in the form of the two adventure packs, Bloodline Chronicles and Splitpaw Saga. There weren't additional raid tiers "added" to the game (in t5).
ah, well I hope they find a happy medium because I'm looking forward to it enough that I'm gonna play on test just so I don't feel too green when it comes out, with only one tier of content I can definitely understand it being difficult to balance experienced vs casual gameplay


They always unlock the expansions too early in my opinion. I wish they would wait a few years between unlocks. I also hope they don't plan to reset it.


They always unlock the expansions too early in my opinion. I wish they would wait a few years between unlocks. I also hope they don't plan to reset it.
between xpack unlocks? like you want to play in an era longer than the era actually existed? like DoF was OG 5 months, you want a few years of that?


between xpack unlocks? like you want to play in an era longer than the era actually existed? like DoF was OG 5 months, you want a few years of that?
A least a year for every expansion. That gives players like me time to do all the stuff before next expansion. Others will still play, and bigger hype for every expansion. Blast through really fast and reset is not much fun. Give players time to enjoy the content.


Others will still play
I'm deep in the minority when it comes to my favorite expacs (they rank in the order of release, best to worst), so I actually agree with you that unlocks are always too short, but there's no way the above is true.

Any server that had unlocks of a year or more would be ghost towns by probably 4 or 5 months in, sadly.

Almost everyone seems to agree that DoF was terrible (even though it wasn't!) and folks are always itching for KoS to drop from about week 3 or 4.


Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004
I just hope we don't get the Great Epidemic again ;) And hopefully we won't get the original guild system where only the top 12 officers could earn status. I think both of those were gone by 2006 though. At least we know there won't be sub-combines for crafting!


A least a year for every expansion. That gives players like me time to do all the stuff before next expansion. Others will still play, and bigger hype for every expansion. Blast through really fast and reset is not much fun. Give players time to enjoy the content.
I still have zero idea why you'd run something like DoF which at original launch was out for 5 months before KoS for 1 year.