Origins: Can we get a non-rushed TLE this time, please?


Yeah, that was my point. If you open up expansions fast, then the lower content is a ghost town and getting a group will be more difficult.
That is not accurate at all in any sense.

If the expansions are longer , there will be more people at higher levels trying to cap and the server turns "top" heavy , that or they have completed the content and are waiting and raid logging , if the game is "slowed" down the same thing happens in a sense.

If im level 40 + , why go do level 20 content ? I will be trying to grind out the last few levels.

This brings me back to my original point , the rate of a power gamer or someone that is trying to cap content needs to be irrelevant to you.
Those types of players are going to out level and out progress you no matter how you want to slice it, but you need to understand the following.

It does not affect your specific game play at all , in fact slowing it down will prevent me from making a alt that will be doing content that you are progressing through on your first character , because on a slower paced server I simply will not do it twice and concentrate on my main.

Trying to delay expansion unlocks or slow down content to appease the "slower" gamer does not help your cause either due to stagnation , it is counter productive almost because of my stated reasons a few posts above.

It simply does not matter , what I am doing but what you are doing and if you are enjoying the content.


New member
That is not accurate at all in any sense.

If the expansions are longer , there will be more people at higher levels trying to cap and the server turns "top" heavy , that or they have completed the content and are waiting and raid logging , if the game is "slowed" down the same thing happens in a sense.

If im level 40 + , why go do level 20 content ? I will be trying to grind out the last few levels.

This brings me back to my original point , the rate of a power gamer or someone that is trying to cap content needs to be irrelevant to you.
Those types of players are going to out level and out progress you no matter how you want to slice it, but you need to understand the following.

It does not affect your specific game play at all , in fact slowing it down will prevent me from making a alt that will be doing content that you are progressing through on your first character , because on a slower paced server I simply will not do it twice and concentrate on my main.

Trying to delay expansion unlocks or slow down content to appease the "slower" gamer does not help your cause either due to stagnation , it is counter productive almost because of my stated reasons a few posts above.

It simply does not matter , what I am doing but what you are doing and if you are enjoying the content.
This 🙌


There is a limited amount of content in Vanilla so maxing characters too fast will just lead to an empty server by the end (if unlocks are 6+ months at a time).
I could be wrong, but I felt like vanilla had the most content after Kunark (which was an amazing expansion in my opinion). It is easy to forget all the zones because they were not set up to have to run over and over like an arcade game like later expansions.


That is not accurate at all in any sense.

If the expansions are longer , there will be more people at higher levels trying to cap and the server turns "top" heavy , that or they have completed the content and are waiting and raid logging , if the game is "slowed" down the same thing happens in a sense.

If im level 40 + , why go do level 20 content ? I will be trying to grind out the last few levels.

This brings me back to my original point , the rate of a power gamer or someone that is trying to cap content needs to be irrelevant to you.
Those types of players are going to out level and out progress you no matter how you want to slice it, but you need to understand the following.

It does not affect your specific game play at all , in fact slowing it down will prevent me from making a alt that will be doing content that you are progressing through on your first character , because on a slower paced server I simply will not do it twice and concentrate on my main.

Trying to delay expansion unlocks or slow down content to appease the "slower" gamer does not help your cause either due to stagnation , it is counter productive almost because of my stated reasons a few posts above.

It simply does not matter , what I am doing but what you are doing and if you are enjoying the content.
I get what you are saying and thinking along that same line, why lock the expansions at all? I'll go my pace and others can grind to the finish. Once they get max level, then they can compare with their main toon on the other server and wonder if it is worth the torture just to get to the spot gear wise as their main toon. Some people love the daily and weekly grind, but I would rather adventure. Well, I got way off track. Getting back to the point. Do you think it would be better to just not lock the expansions?
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That cause a huge spread of the player population , I also don't think there is a roadmap even established for this server.

At a certain point expansion wise , this will not be updated due to itemization and other factor's.

I like to call it the expiration date :/

If that is what you are after , I suggest playing live.


New member
The question I have is why does it matter? If you are not finished with classic and DOF is released 4-6 months later , what changes for you ?

There is no one forcing you to not do content or be a completionist ? The argument for having content released every 4 or 6 months is about retention , the reality is if a large portion of the population finishes the content and have another 2 or 3 months of little or nothing to do but raid the server will take a huge population hit.

That means less people logging on , less people willing to join in what is perceived as a dead or dying server and less people in general willing to help you in whatever goal you are working on.

I just see overall extended time periods of waiting as the death of guilds even more for smaller guilds and the server in general .
I believe he is referring to this comment. By this same logic... nothing is stopping you from playing older content on the live servers today, and yet it is a ghost town.

Now for my opinion... I get that the appeal of restarting TLE servers is to stop the game from being top heavy. None of us like trying to play the old content only to find out we cant experience it. The issue that I think happens is that too many people will rush or feel rushed to get to the max level.

I think having a lower exp rate, and taking longer helps extend the life at lower levels. At the very least, I feel like having a classic server that stays on KoS or RoK (something recognized as classic) will give a good baseline for TLEs to come, assuming the old stats / old cities are popular. Maybe do something similar to classic WoW, add some kind of mode that makes the game more difficult and so on... Or even a completionist kind of mode... or maybe a mode that incentivizes you to restart your character, so more players are at the bottom. (Cosmetics, titles, etc)

On that note... we want a classic experience, but for some reason people want to rush past that experience and move on past the very classic experience they went to the server for...? seems odd to me. Couldn't you do this same kind of rushing of content on the live server... then you would have seemingly less barriers when you get to the end?

I also see a problem with TLEs when one starts dying, and another one has not been built... it feels like I have to wait a few months just to play the classic game again. Example... we all know varsoon will probably be dead once this server releases.

EDIT: I think Varsoon is actually a bad example of this.. haha.. Kaladim might be a better example.

On the Kael note.. I actually wanted to play that one.. it needs a difficulty slider or something... one shotting enemies isn't really fun to play... I think this change was also to appeal to the people who just wanted the adornment.
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Active member
Not really even a few expansions later people will still create alts and do the lower levels things
The previous TLEs haven't been very friendly to people who like to do that though. Every xpac drop feels more like a sprint than a marathon, and then you add in the awful hunters quests that are all but a requirement if you want to be an effective raider. Instead of letting folks enjoy the game and incentivize playing, they put us on this hamster wheel covered in broken glass and barbed wire called hunters.

One of my very short list of hopes for hunters, or hunters-like, mechanic, ever.


no Hunters in 2006 :)
Of course - I'm basically just agreeing with Boldac here, but there are a few things (that I don't really mind) that will be in (cash shop xp pots, etc.) but weren't around in '06, so it's not like it's outside the realm of possibility for them to add hunters in later or something.

So just saying, these lame quests are why I stopped playing on varsoon late last year, and are a total deal breaker for me on this new server.


DoF was fine at 5 months when it came out 20 years ago. It does not need to be longer now.
Just curious, about how many hours a week were you playing on average when you said you ran out of time to do stuff?
he's a working dad of 11 who works from 5am to 10pm and has time to play for 30 min a week. please let this man have DoF for 10 years
How many TLE's have we had now? 5-6?
Those of you who feel you really need a fast paced server, well you have had plenty of servers already. If you make a server that is supposed to be group content base, and then speed it up like you always want it, then we will eventually be unable to play at the lower levels. I understand that sooner or later a server has to get the next Exp, but it should NOT be the way you have had it up until now. If you are not happy, then be that way.
No, you have had it your way too many times now!
This server should be about adventure and alts, not about who gets to the goal first.
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New member
What if instead of changing the timeline we let the original timeline dictate this classic server. If it was 11 months before DOF came out let it be 11 months before DOF comes out. It will give people more time to experience the classic world of Norrath, as it was in 2006 at least. It also gives the Dev team more time to prep the next expansion and really get it right as opposed to being rushed because of a accelerated arbitrary deadline. The people who wanted classic are also the people who want to have time to reminisce and be nostalgic about the older zones and older struggles.

People that just want to go fast and be first will quit after they have done so until the next expansion releases no matter if its 2 months or 10 months away. Let the masses who will stick around have their time and in the end generate more revenue with a longer release schedule as opposed to catering to the smaller group who want to go fast and be first.
That's part of what I'm hoping we can get a feel for during the beta, even with the "week based level caps". How fast will generally casual folks get through it, as opposed to poop sock raiders?

I don't think a casual player will even be at the week's cap by the end of said week during beta, genuinely.


Active member
What if instead of changing the timeline we let the original timeline dictate this classic server. If it was 11 months before DOF came out let it be 11 months before DOF comes out.
Making vanilla last 11 months doesn't force people to slow down. It doesn't even incentivize people to slow down.
So many people screaming about sweaty players going to fast.

You know why leveling was so fast on the last few TLEs? It's because you could buy 350% increased XP rates, and you could buy a p2w mount at the start. You could have 66 slots bags at level 1. You could buy spell research. You had access to Druid and Wiz portals at level 24. You had racial teleports and p2w Jboot clicky. Gearing up was insanely fast with 90 minute heroic resets, p2w barding slots for infinite crafting materials.

Now most of that is reduced or removed for the new server so it should be slower. Slowing down progression is great and I totally support Daybreak doing stuff to slow us players down. But making vanilla last 11 months doesn't slow anyone down. It will just drive people away.

Personally I think 6 months is perfect but 8 months would be fine and allows those who play less often a chance at getting everything done. Anything more than that and you doing the server a disservice and chopping off a big chunk of population.

my 2c


New member
Personally I think 6 months is perfect but 8 months would be fine and allows those who play less often a chance at getting everything done. Anything more than that and you doing the server a disservice and chopping off a big chunk of population.
Do you have any data to show that a "big chunk of the population" feels this way or is it just the noisy people that make the most forum posts but actually represent a small minority of the actual population that feel this way?