In Consideration Thieves Guild


New member
Please look into this Spell, after the Nerf of 88% we are cleary behind a Warlock with a permanent Pot Buff.
So i think you forgot a comma or something like that. Because the nerf hit us with 88 Percent.

I would be fine with 30-40 Percent nerf. Maybe 50...but from 32000k Potency to 4000 Potency...??

Please fix that. I used my Celestial Scroll for that...

Have a nice day.

You can even make it Single Again like it was before. Or one Group.


Active member
Read into it what you want. Never mind what was posted by the person I directly commented on.

Keep it as is and make the buff raid wide.


Read into it what you want. Never mind what was posted by the person I directly commented on.

Keep it as is and make the buff raid wide.
Do you not take responsibility for anything you say? I had to go find the original post in the swash lucky gambit thread. OMG, the best part was what this was in response to! It was in response to someone making the outlandish claim that maybe, just maybe, the Swashbuckler class didn't need MORE dps considering they already bring the best buffs and solid dps. The hypocrisy and double standard is staggering.


New member
In all my years of playing and lurking on the forums I've never felt the need to post. Until today.

As of now Caith's initial post moving this into "In Consideration" at 75% pre-nerf values with 30 minutes of dev time has 31 likes and no dislikes (handful of dislikes incoming soon!). Anyway, this seems like more than enough consensus to move this to a vote to me. But if Caith does not feel that this meets the threshold then so be it. Either way this issue is ready for a vote or decline.

Yea, I can promise at least 30 Due to our parses getting thrown in the forums alone...

Regardless of where he got them from.

So I didn't see these parses. But the response is what is concerning as Jrox is promising 30 down votes from his guild to tank a legitimate vote for class improvement. I'd be annoyed as well if our parses were posted... however they clearly came from a public source. Do we not know how the internet works today? If you don't want something public then for heavens sake don't post that info publicly. You just look silly when you then get butt hurt over your public information getting re-posted publicly... when there is zero expectation of privacy on youtube content.

Then Niveknorr calls Jrox out on this threat:
YOU actually posted your entire raid force parse in public (on youtube). Then promised to direct them here to downvote since the vote was not going your way. You said "i can promise at least 30" (downvotes) , but now say you can't control them. (you manipulate them by telling them someone else posted your parse and directing those that are angry to come here and downvote a thread, so yes you can direct (control) the mob.) You threatened to derail the entire thread by manipulating your raidforce.

Jrox response it a Thumbs up to the post.

So I guess the real question is does Jrox's guild, which is Resistance on Halls Of Fate, plans to carry out his threat of tanking this Brigand post over the actions of 1 person. Which really Jrox could have been prevented from happening at all with just some basic internet common sense over what you post online. As one of the top raiding guilds in the game I would really hope that the leadership of Resistance would reassure all the Brigands and everyone else fighting hard for positive changes on these forums that Jrox threat is not real.


Actually plays the game
So I guess the real question is does Jrox's guild, which is Resistance on Halls Of Fate, plans to carry out his threat of tanking this Brigand post over the actions of 1 person.

We're a bunch of individuals, not a hive mind.


New member
I didn't post another entire raid forces parse man. I can't control those masses or make them do any of my bidding. We have a VERY strong independent raid force that does 100% of whatever the heck they feel like. And you can ask around if you didn't know.

Too much 40K fodder in here anyways.
To add to post #186... above was said by the person himself. 🤷‍♂️


New member
That is good to know... might let Jrox know he shouldn't speak for you all then.
Yes, this is a perfect example of how Jrox talks out of both sides of his mouth. Just need to do a little reading around here to see that. Make a threat then try to backtrack. Not impressed.


What are the attributes we are voting for in this forum?

Simple... I'm going with what was proposed and has been in consideration for the past month. The post has 40 likes as of now which is the most consensus you will find anywhere in this post:

Current Proposed change based on the discussion above seems to be leaning towards
Increase Thieves Guild Organized Crime bonuses to 75% of the values they had before the reduction.
Time Investment for that change would be: 30 minutes

If I have misunderstood the current request, respond below.


EQ2Wire Ambassador
Hopefully the long delay is because he knows its an awful idea and there is a reason he made a change to TG in the first place.

Introducing a 2 brig meta in the middle of an expansion for the first time in the games 20 year history is just silly. How and why 49 brigands and "supporters" thinks making TG the strongest passive buff in the game by a long shot instead of working on making the brigs debuff toolkit and damage output better is just astonishing to me.

TG is already a good buff and having a brigand in your raid vs not having a brig is noticeable. Anyone that claims its not dont know how to use ACT data or is just lying because he wants his Brigand to do more. Just blanket buffing them with everything from insane passive buffs to 3-700% damage increases as also suggested by brigs is kind of crazy.

This change, if it goes ahead, will be the ultimate "Yup, dont let players do MMO balancing" proof in the history of MMOs.
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New member
What makes you Angry like this Randale Ralph?

And why are everyone fine whit the swash buff for the whole raid?


Hopefully the long delay is because he knows its an awful idea and there is a reason he made a change to TG in the first place.

Introducing a 2 brig meta in the middle of an expansion for the first time in the games 20 year history is just silly. How and why 49 brigands and "supporters" thinks making TG the strongest passive buff in the game by a long shot instead of working on making the brigs debuff toolkit and damage output better is just astonishing to me.

TG is already a good buff and having a brigand in your raid vs not having a brig is noticeable. Anyone that claims its not dont know how to use ACT data or is just lying because he wants his Brigand to do more. Just blanket buffing them with everything from insane passive buffs to 3-700% damage increases as also suggested by brigs is kind of crazy.

This change, if it goes ahead, will be the ultimate "Yup, dont let players do MMO balancing" proof in the history of MMOs.

So much wrong with this it's funny. Expansion started with this 2 brig meta (sure it didn't last long). But did you not just see the merc change... they clearly aren't scared of mid exp changes. TG is not passive (requires combat and stacks which drop when running mechanics, etc.). Even if this gets the 75% in consideration change for 2 groups it isn't even CLOSE to the Swash's raid wide buff. Not sure why you are trying to make it sound like this change to TG would be unprecedented. It is not... swash set the standard brigs are just trying to keep up.

This would never have been moved into consideration by Caith if he didn't feel that change was reasonable. So how about let Brigs have their vote.
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