Origins: Can we get a non-rushed TLE this time, please?


The Krono problem really needs an economist, because it's absolutely not as simple as "ban Krono". For that matter, the "the RMTers will just sell the plat directly instead" defeatist argument isn't a solution, however accurate it might be. If the market can be manipulated by Kronos, the pressure to have them will be felt by the entire server population, and that will drive inflation. This isn't a hypothetical scenario: we need look no further than other DPG servers that are being played right now.

Would I prefer a server in which Krono and, by extension, RMT, was less impactful? Of course, but that requires a much more thorough look at how the game's currency works and what plat can and can't be used for. It's obviously not a simple problem (or they would have solved it by now). I genuinely hope part of the server's budget is devoted to managing the game economy, because not only do we need someone in the company telling the devs where the plat sinks should go, but we also need someone making the case that a healthier game economy can be better for the company's bottom line.

On the broader topic, I agree with the notion that the cash shop should similarly be low impact, and most of the suggestions so far have been good--XP/vit pots should offer only small improvements and what not. That said, I'm very curious to see what the pacing looks like.

For me, the journey was always the game: I wasn't ever really a fan of raids as a content type, and I had a lot more fun doing quests and grouping. The gotta-go-fast level cap race stuff always felt counterproductive: why are you skipping the best parts of the game? So I hope there's some leisure to progression. On the other hand, it's entirely possible to go too far. I honestly felt like the early days of EQ2 (as compared to EQ1) were almost ideal. You could hit milestones with cool new toys without overleveling content you wanted to see--but there was also low risk of burnout. The WC/FG/Varsoon leveling band is some of the most fun I've ever had playing games, but it could easily become a slog if things are tuned poorly.

Jack Pipsam

New member
They just need to not have Experience Potions or Vitality Potions available on launch, for at least the first month.

If they do decided to add them to the marketplace, they need to be dramatically reduced in effectiveness. (10-20% not 100%)
Group XP potions stacking needs to be not a thing, and if it is not easy to change just do not have group XP pots on the server.

Other things that should not be sold on the market place.
  • Repair kits - they are not able to be crafted until Kingdom of Sky, so should not be purchasable until then.
  • Mounts - saving up plat to get your first mount was important. Store bought mounts take away from that experience and should have no movement speed bonus, limited to appearance only.
  • Barding Slots - thousands of harvesting materials for a cheap swipe of the credit card, makes harvesting mostly irrelevant and crafted items hold very little value.
  • No Packs/Crates at least not ones with anything that gives XP pots/Taxfree broker box/speed boots/mount with stats etc.
Basically the market place needs to be limited to character services (race change, name change) and cosmetics.

Sorry for hijacking you thread, but these things impact the speed at which content is consumed.
I agree with this 100%
The Origin's server requires a subscription, so I really wish they wouldn't feel the need to bog it down with microtransactions. Heck I'd love if there was no cash-shop button while inside the Origin server.

If Daybreak is serious about the Origin server, I really-really hope they'll keep the microtransactions OUT!


I agree with this 100%
The Origin's server requires a subscription, so I really wish they wouldn't feel the need to bog it down with microtransactions. Heck I'd love if there was no cash-shop button while inside the Origin server.

If Daybreak is serious about the Origin server, I really-really hope they'll keep the microtransactions OUT!
It was already confirmed that cash shop will be in, but "limited"


I can't imagine that the new TLE will have anything past RoK, if it gets RoK at all. Remember, it's code from 2006. They would have to balance the game each level cap and expansion addition.
2006 with likely LU24-29, if they can bump LUs when it's time I can see it rolling fine. but considering the probable timeline of each xpack being longer who knows.


New member
Successful business models seek a win-win. Profits and customer satisfaction.

But due to various reasons over the years, which has significantly reduced the playerbase, it's inevitably become a win-lose vicious cycle. DBG get their profit win from hype. Customers get a diluted server with too much p2w.

Pump n dump short-term cash is what has become the norm, instead of investing in the long-term stability of a server delivering customer satisfaction through a sub only service with a fluff item shop.


Active member
It needs to be defined at some point. It would seem obvious that race changes, xp pots, etc shouldn’t be there

But the biggest money maker is bags on TLE… crazy how much that makes
Doubt we will find out much more until at least beta and even then beta has no marketplace so that’ll only be if they want to tell us.

If they can stretch to either no or at most severely nerfed xp pots, that would be a start. But hopefully they remove anything that affects gameplay directly, including bags. If they’re going to run on the promise of 2006 era gameplay, one would hope the marketplace would reflect that.

I wonder if since this is on its own depot, they’ll be able to include the veteran bonus xp for max level characters though.


Successful business models seek a win-win. Profits and customer satisfaction.

But due to various reasons over the years, which has significantly reduced the playerbase, it's inevitably become a win-lose vicious cycle. DBG get their profit win from hype. Customers get a diluted server with too much p2w.

Pump n dump short-term cash is what has become the norm, instead of investing in the long-term stability of a server delivering customer satisfaction through a sub only service with a fluff item shop.
People Service Profit :)

alas, skeleton crew has a hard time offering a service that creates profit which retains customers. customer satisfaction comes with the model already


New member
Someone is always going to be selling plat on a server. If Krono isn't allowed, then it will be plat selling companies. Might as well keep the devil you know and keep the Krono.
Not if they make it a self-discovery only server. No marketplace, no trades, anything you want you have to earn, find, or make yourself or on your alts. The only catch is they would have to increase drop rates of several things, as has been discovered on other platforms that are doing this.


Well-known member
Not if they make it a self-discovery only server. No marketplace, no trades, anything you want you have to earn, find, or make yourself or on your alts. The only catch is they would have to increase drop rates of several things, as has been discovered on other platforms that are doing this.
Well as this is an MMO and that is how a single player games runs, I don't think we'll see that happen.
Never, ever going to happen. The ship has sailed on this one.

Never mind the legal issues relating to what happens if they do this (When you buy a Krono from DB the expectation is that it is for use on all DB-owned games including both EQs), but it's also going to be extremely hard to outright lock a shared non-inventory consumable.

They don't have to buy, sell, or consume the Krono on Origins to get the subscriber benefit.

And if you're referring to player-to-player exchange, look at it this way. Even if they ARE tradeable on Origins still, which is 100% likely, nobody is going to have the plat for the huge exchanges like we see on Live.

There are also many times more plat sinks in the 2005-2006 era than there were at any point in the game's history sans launch.

This is why they say "Never count your eggs before they hatch" lol.
Can't trade Kronos on Anashti'sul (Origins).


New member
you guys can believe what you want but this is gonna be just like the HYPE it was for the PVP , then its gonna fade with in a few months IF you take away kronos . Mark my words . i will be back here to say i told you so just make the server TLE with no special ruleset , make the server let the ppl play DONE , walk away . First off most everyone has the lifetime membership so hardly any cash from that , 2nd most the cash came from Krono sales so good luck with that . i give this server..... til the first xpac release


New member
As someone who may play casually could we go back to letting the daybreak cash accumulate instead of having to log in for the month, I know I will be busy in the summer and would rather keep paying the monthly subscription to support the server it was always nice to come back after a 12 week break to have it banked up for you instead of kicking myself because I missed a month of logging in to the game.


New member
I think it is very important for this TLE to go much slower in term of progressing the content. Honestly, having a more to original time frame 12 to 8 months per expansion would be great. There is a lot of content and exploration that does not get touched because you have to keep up with jones' (looming new expansions). I for one was a hardcore raider 95% of the time that I played EQ2 but what I really want now from the game is to be able explore and have fun with friends, read some quest (I never knew they had text. The more they said the fast I would click), I want to be immersed in to the word of Norrath; and I would assume so would you. You and I have seen the sleepless nights, the wet diapers, the world wide first kills, the lets just pull one more time 8 hours in to your 4 hour raid. Why do it again in the same RUSHED way once again. Having a deliberate slow down of progression would allow "our commutation to nurture our casual (sometime they are bad but they are still good people, our people) and of course the newcomers (and we all know that they are much needed. If they do this right, just maybe Everquest II Origins might see similar success that WOW Classic had (they are using about a 12 month expansion progression window) BTW I get it WOW is a dirty word around here but all I am saying is they had the opportunity and executed effectively. In my humble opinion, there is a huge opportunity here if successfully executed EQ2 Origins could surpass EQ2 LIVE. The real original version of EQ2 is dominates in many ways to these "TLE" they have been putting out and they have just now realized this and are doing there best to present it to us. Anyways as a community we should push for not only the old school version but the old school time frame. Well that is all I have for now. Have a nice day.


The original version of prismatic was discovered and all raid content cleared in 3 months.

That was without guides , I expect this to be done inside of a month tops.