Suggestion Year of The Darkpaw Celebration Event


Active member
That's weird, I thought the next was Karana, the Avatar of Storms. Guess Cusashorn knows more than the rest of us.

Drinal and Mithanial Marr's items showed up on the merchants back in early April when Bristlebane started, with Karana and Anashti Sul showing up around when Brell Serilis started. That's all I can base on, since Bristlebane's item showed up on Kutaanya in March when Tunare started.
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Well-known member
Drinal and Mithanial Marr's items showed up on the merchants back in early April when Bristlebane started, with Karana and Anashti Sul showing up around when Brell Serilis started. That's all I can base on, since Bristlebane's item showed up on Kutaanya in March when Tunare started.
Hmm, well I based it off the post from Angeliana who stated what was showing this month. I try to not use guesswork as fact.


Active member
Hmm, well I based it off the post from Angeliana who stated what was showing this month. I try to not use guesswork as fact.
OH, right. HAHA yeah I haven't had a chance to look at the official announcement. I'm just gonna.. go... be quiet now. :ninja:


Obviously your not new or returning if you can craft experts and buy masters. Most likely you and I did had last xpacs ancients until we got better.

You are correct that this celebration event isn't required for the group content but it sure does help someone new or returning get up to speed. So why should 1/2 the classes get more of a resolve boost than others has been the question I had ever since they added a bow and not a ranged item for all. It really sucked talking to people that decided to give up on the game again.

My example you quoted was to point out how difficult and frustrating it is for these people and many that would have continued to play have left the game. Give it a try and see how far you get.

As far as my gear, I have the time to spend and my raid toon has the resolve for T3 raids. So ya, I put in the time.

I am the guild leader for a small guild that helps out new and returning people. Instead of silently watching people get frustrated and leave, I decided to relay one thing that is easily corrected that has enraged a lot of people.

Most people don't bother posting or doing feedback, they just get fed up and leave.

Maybe I am the odd duck. I don't hold the opinion that I got mine you can get yours too. I'm I have mine and lets help you get yours too.

Every xpac, people come back and like what they see and each year Darkpaw does something like this and they leave again. It would be awesome to see more people around able to group.

This expac is by far the easiest expac to jump into and get into zones. The zones can be walked through, no where near what ROR was. That was the biggest complaint in ROR and they listened. They reduced required resolve, they reduced how hard the encounters were to a point that it had the opposite effect. People who raid are way bored because well it was way way way too easy. I guarantee you this isn't about new players, but about you not being able to get exactly what you want off the merchant. Granted they didn't think the entire event through, thus we are where we are now that contested versions get killed once and then no more, such a waste of dev time. If you are killing these already, then you have the required resolve and if you are starting fresh most likely it's your first game or someone has brought you in and I would hope that person is willing to help get said person up to speed.


Please tell me that 1,000 Minted Celebration Token is a Joke Devs.... If it isn't then this event is more of a joke then I thought.


New Herald in Enchanted lands, new pretty graphics on a 2 hander and 1 hander and guess what?

Still no ranged weapon for Mages and Priests. This month yet another missed opportunity to fix this.

Looks like another slap in the face guys and gals.