EQ2 Origins


I'm very excited about the Krono announcement. But what excites me even more?: the nonstop, vicious rage by exploiters, dupers, and griefers who can't help but out themselves crying because they won't get to use their ill-gotten gains to corner the new server's economy.

Want cool stuff on the Origin server? Earn it. As it should be.


This is gonna be comical at best hehe , all the babies whining about Kronos , as if its the down fall of man . No cash transactions , no krono oh this is Brillant , where is the profits coming from > you logging in ???? not from all the 80 thousand lifetime subs ? no wait i know from all the market place items , hmmm nope . Well guess we will just have to see . i do believe ppl are gonna get an eye opening revelation , that DBG does what the very very minimal of ideas want , and the population of that server will prove that is the wrong way to go as it has on KD server and the great hope server (PVP) that was said to be the end of TLE servers as said the ( Minimal ) crowd . Good Luck with this train wreck when the population is so low those same babies start cryin and demand change of the server the same one they didn't want change to lol oh man you cant make this stuff up . good job DBG as always .
When krono and pp are duped, there are no profits. Try to keep up.


When krono and pp are duped, there are no profits. Try to keep up.

Kronos are tracked so you know , there generated with a # ..... good luck with trying to dupe them ... instant ban.

As for no profits , why do you think there are Krono sellers and plat sellers ?

I expect there to be a metric sh** ton of spam for plat selling and off site sales.

This server is about to experience why , Krono where implemented in the first place.


Kronos are tracked so you know , there generated with a # ..... good luck with trying to dupe them ... instant ban.

As for no profits , why do you think there are Krono sellers and plat sellers ?

I expect there to be a metric sh** ton of spam for plat selling and off site sales.

This server is about to experience why , Krono where implemented in the first place.
PP was duped by the trillions on EQ servers and it was used to buy krono - that Krono was resold across every EQ server and on other sites for money. That Krono is still in the wild. Kronos bought with duped PP = decimated server markets.

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PP was duped by the trillions on EQ servers and it was used to buy krono - that Krono was resold across every EQ server and on other sites for money. That Krono is still in the wild. Kronos bought with duped PP = decimated server markets.

I know all about it , that still does not mean you can dupe Krono.

Krono does not generate plat , that plat has to be earned via mobs , quests for the plat to be duped etc.

Krono is tracked ....... by dbg with a # on generation.

As I stated, I expect this server to be a offsite sellers dream.


I know all about it , that still does not mean you can dupe Krono.

Krono does not generate plat , that plat has to be earned via mobs , quests for the plat to be duped etc.

Krono is tracked ....... by dbg with a # on generation.

As I stated, I expect this server to be a offsite sellers dream.

Krono doesn't have to create plat out of thin air in order to become a problem. The issue is that the duped plat was used to devalue the entire market supply of Krono on any server of origin where the duping happened. Overnight the server's plat became worthless, and the dupers then used that worthless plat to clear out the market of Kronos that had been listed for sale prior to the economy's collapse (and after the collapse but in the hands of players who weren't aware of it). So the Kronos were transferred from players for whom they had value to the duping/exploiting players for whom they had no value. So now all those Kronos for whom the possessor has no cost basis are floating around, and that disconnect between that volume of Krono and any actual real value is the problem. The Krono was paid for by players who essentially had it stolen from them, and now the thieves want to go sell the Krono on new servers for value (or more likely, just want the Krono to be alienable on the new server at all so they can RMT it).

Allowing those Krono to enter the market on the Origins server would essentially enable the possessors of the valueless Krono to arbitrage the market on the new server, since they would be competing in setting the market price for Krono against people for whom Krono has a real value (and it's kind of immaterial what that value is, since any value is more than the zero the exploiters have invested in their Krono). And it sure would be an offsite seller's dream, wouldn't it? since I'd be willing to bet the RMT crowd is now holding a truckload of dupe-proceeds Krono.

And I suspect you know all this already. ;)

Except DBG, also knowing all this, has outplayed the RMT regulars. Will it still be possible to RMT on the new server? Oh, absolutely! The difference is that instead of just being able to hand over to your cash buyer a Krono you got for nothing as a result of the dupe, you now have to have plat--plat that was earned on the Origins server--in order to complete your sale. Unlike with the stolen Krono, you indeed have to earn that plat off of mobs and quests--no duping allowed, no shortcut bot armies in other games, not even any easy tried and true methods on live EQ2, whatever they might be. You have to grind out the cash on 2006-era EQ2, blood, sweat, and tears, all the while competing with all the fans who hate your stinking cheating RMT guts and want to get you banned. If that sounds like a dream to you, you can roll those dice.

But I think a lot of the RMT pros are just going to cut their losses instead (at least once they realize that scaremongering on the forums won't get them anywhere ;) ).

So here's to the company. This might be the best decision they've made in a decade. Whoever pulled the trigger on this deserves a raise.


Krono doesn't have to create plat out of thin air in order to become a problem. The issue is that the duped plat was used to devalue the entire market supply of Krono on any server of origin where the duping happened. Overnight the server's plat became worthless, and the dupers then used that worthless plat to clear out the market of Kronos that had been listed for sale prior to the economy's collapse (and after the collapse but in the hands of players who weren't aware of it). So the Kronos were transferred from players for whom they had value to the duping/exploiting players for whom they had no value. So now all those Kronos for whom the possessor has no cost basis are floating around, and that disconnect between that volume of Krono and any actual real value is the problem. The Krono was paid for by players who essentially had it stolen from them, and now the thieves want to go sell the Krono on new servers for value (or more likely, just want the Krono to be alienable on the new server at all so they can RMT it).

Allowing those Krono to enter the market on the Origins server would essentially enable the possessors of the valueless Krono to arbitrage the market on the new server, since they would be competing in setting the market price for Krono against people for whom Krono has a real value (and it's kind of immaterial what that value is, since any value is more than the zero the exploiters have invested in their Krono). And it sure would be an offsite seller's dream, wouldn't it? since I'd be willing to bet the RMT crowd is now holding a truckload of dupe-proceeds Krono.

And I suspect you know all this already. ;)

Except DBG, also knowing all this, has outplayed the RMT regulars. Will it still be possible to RMT on the new server? Oh, absolutely! The difference is that instead of just being able to hand over to your cash buyer a Krono you got for nothing as a result of the dupe, you now have to have plat--plat that was earned on the Origins server--in order to complete your sale. Unlike with the stolen Krono, you indeed have to earn that plat off of mobs and quests--no duping allowed, no shortcut bot armies in other games, not even any easy tried and true methods on live EQ2, whatever they might be. You have to grind out the cash on 2006-era EQ2, blood, sweat, and tears, all the while competing with all the fans who hate your stinking cheating RMT guts and want to get you banned. If that sounds like a dream to you, you can roll those dice.

But I think a lot of the RMT pros are just going to cut their losses instead (at least once they realize that scaremongering on the forums won't get them anywhere ;) ).

So here's to the company. This might be the best decision they've made in a decade. Whoever pulled the trigger on this deserves a raise.
I like the sly remark , I don't sell Krono. I have a vested interest in EQ and EQ2 , I have played both since launch.

I am just pointing out reality of the current situation , the fact is RMT is going to happen now outside the server.

The server still will allow access with the all access subscription , that is provided by a Krono.
This changes nothing with the current situation , the bot armies are not affected one bit with the change.

This brings me to the other point , Krono will now be sold outside of the server , that is just a simple fact that it will happen.

The major difference is now DBG , will not receive a cut of the profits for flat Krono sales , that a legit player pays for them .

That sale will now either be in plat ... off site , paypal or ebay or through Krono on a different server that a legitimate player bought , now with a additional risk of being scammed.

This adds a risk to what was legalized RMT from DBG for the average consumer , it seems like you are bitter that im pointing out legitimate concerns.

I can care less if it changes or not , I just see holes in the concept.

As for competing , I really do not think you have any clue or even realize what I have completed in this game when it was brand new content.

I rather it be competitive , I enjoy the bat phone calls and killing contested Vox in front of people like yourself with 10 - 12 people like I did at launch.
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instead of just being able to hand over to your cash buyer a Krono you got for nothing as a result of the dupe, you now have to have plat--plat that was earned on the Origins server--in order to complete your sale. Unlike with the stolen Krono, you indeed have to earn that plat off of mobs and quests
So let me get this straight: you believe that the above is going to make botting and RMT on the new server LESS of a problem somehow? That is the most backwards idea I've heard in a long time.

I have no idea why the "krono causes inflation" fallacy refuses to die, but I wish it would, because it's almost as bad as the "krono ruins the economy" idea. We're going to get what we deserve though I guess.


Well-known member
I don't know where everyone is thinking no Krono will be better. We are just going to see bot armies and spam left and right for plat sellers are us sites. I think the winning combination would have probably been Krono locking. You can only buy and sell the Krono on the single server. No buy it with ill gotten duped plat on server A and selling it on Origin.

I also don't like the Krono system myself due to the fact that it causes Broker prices to go insane due to people trying to get plat to buy that Krono. It doesn't make plat on the server but it does effect the economy in a negative way. But, it's better to deal with the Krono issues than the bot armies and plat seller spam. I know Daybreak will try to ban the plat sellers but they probably will not be able to keep up as plat sellers are usually using stolen accounts to do their spamming and it doesn't hurt their bottom line too much.

*I hope the plat sellers are us is not yet a legit site. Just pulled that name out of my hind quarters for an example.


Active member
So let me get this straight: you believe that the above is going to make botting and RMT on the new server LESS of a problem somehow? That is the most backwards idea I've heard in a long time.

I have no idea why the "krono causes inflation" fallacy refuses to die, but I wish it would, because it's almost as bad as the "krono ruins the economy" idea. We're going to get what we deserve though I guess.
It's my fault. I told everyone that consuming a Krono grants you 1000p for free.


All this noise regarding Kronos is childish. The bottom line is this - DBG is attempting to emulate a true classic experience of the game. Kronos did NOT exist then and therefore should not be available. All the other noise is irrelevant.