Zerkers ca's


New member
Zerkers much like sks and bruisers are the dps counterparts to their more defensive based counter parts aka pally monk and guard. But with the changes to the zerker or lack their of during boz we have fallen behind even pallys on potential dps thresholds. When looking at the zerkers combat arts most of their damage comes from procs aka rampaging blow and their offensive stance when they can use it (usually 6% of my parse) when you compare the damage of these procs to their combat arts its roughly 1/3 to 1/5 the damage of the procs of rampage compared to the sks or to the pally their dd abilities hit just harder ie shadow coil base hit is 2x the base hit of any single target abilities the zerker has not including the dot tick of it you also have things like cleave flesh and soulrend the list goes on. its also quite noticeable on the parses as well where regular ca that get cast will be high on the pally the sk the bruisers parses but for the zerkers their regular cas arnt even in the top 10 abilities on a fight. Now if the zerker is ment to be a proc based damage class thats fine but either we need more procs or more damaging ones... as it currently stands the zerkers ca's if they arnt getting a proc to trigger except for things like frenzy which is alright damage there no sense in casting them over ascensions.

(these numbers are compared at GM quality spell tier for as equal basing as it can be this also doesnt include 1 hit wonders such as ascensions and dismember annihilate crusaders judgement ...)

to add onto my post if you want a specific thing that would increase the class based on my above post is we could increase rampaging blows by adding either 4 addition triggers and 10 seconds onto the duration or increasing the damage of the proc by 20% aka if my proc says it does 5t going to 6t
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