Why in the world?


Active member
So the scholar books are tradable for this expansion, not that anyone is going to waste status that way.

So, WHY if those are tradable/heirloom, is the rest not?

I’ve gotten most books by now, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t understand that part. What makes scholars any better than the other tradesmen classes?

The reason it’s taken so long is because the 75,000 puny points we get in coins. They add up sure, but when you have 9 characters to share that between, /sigh.

Please tell me that the next expansion will be more alt friendly. The status bull was probably, besides the last game update (imo) one of the worst things this game has ever done.

I know the status horse has been beaten to a pulp, but the book thing bugs me. And my main crafter is a sage.