Void Mastery


EQ2Wire Ambassador
There are several things wrong with Void Mastery.

One: The tool tip is completely wrong with the changes going into Ballads of Zimara in terms of both the values and what it actually does. The only thing correct is that it applies Void Surge. Sometimes.

Two: It does not increment on cast, instead it gives you a random Fervor and Fervor Overcap applied to the 6 abilities it interacts with.

Three: It often doesn't apply at all with Aura of Void.

Four: Curse of Void applies it every cast, ignoring the 30s internal cooldown.

Five: Often it does not refresh the duration of Void Surge despite not being on a 30s cooldown.

Suggestion to fixing it:

Fix it so the increments is applied and stack.
Make all fervor/oc gained from the 6 abilities the same. Lower the fervor/oc to 12 or 15 per increment
Fix the internal cooldown of 30 seconds and make sure all 6 abilities applies Void Surge and refreshes the duration.

Making these changes would mean a more engaging rotation, it would mean using abilities the warlock does not use today and would make warlock more pleasant to play. It would also increase the skill gap on a relative easy class.
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EQ2Wire Ambassador
With the update today I think its safe to say the answer is no, there wont be additional skill gap on the warlock class when it comes to juggling void mastery increments as the tooltip was removed from void mastery and the abilities it affected. Got the easy fix instead of the good fix in my opinion, but you cant win every time I suppose.


New member
With the change today, going to have to test to find out if maintaining void surge is worthwhile. Aura of void and netherlord are in rotation but the long reuse of netherlord is a problem. I do not usually cast Curse of Void or Void Contract in rotation and really only cast Netherrealm pre-fight or if there are a ton of adds (more than 4). Is Dark Infestation worth putting in rotation?

But at least they "are" making changes.
With the update today I think its safe to say the answer is no, there wont be additional skill gap on the warlock class when it comes to juggling void mastery increments as the tooltip was removed from void mastery and the abilities it affected. Got the easy fix instead of the good fix in my opinion, but you cant win every time I suppose.
def saw the text for increments completely disappeared.. granted it never worked lol..
Theres almost 0 skill gap issue between locks right now. its all just spam everything on cooldown.. no stacks to monitor and choose when to use....
They have turned a once fun class with a skill gap into spam bot..