Vicious Combination (Bruiser Prestige)


New member
Vicious Combination's starting value is about 10% of Knockout Combination VIII GM's value. For this prestige to really be an alternative worth taking it needs to start much higher than the current value so that the triggered increments are meaningful.

Open to discussion on what that starting value should be in BoZ.


New member
Having Knockout Combo at Ancient, Vicious Combo starts out at 8.5% dmg, even with a 10% basedmg increase per hit, it takes way too many hits before the dmg actually surpass KO Combos dmg per hit. To actually squeeze out more total dmg from Vicious Combo the starting dmg need to be atleast a little more than twice the current value.


New member
Viscous Combination used to ramp up damage faster when there used to be recovery speed. Recovery speed was removed from the game at the end of 2020. Before then with max recovery speed it was possible to get 25% more CAs in. That translated into more procs of VC and harder hitting procs at the end. Getting rid of recovery speed pretty much broke Viscous Combination and now it is useless.