Not A Bug Strong boxes seem to affect run speed outside of city

Very simple, because believe me there will be plenty of people confused about this when the server starts. This is clearly a bug and something needs to be done to address it in some form. Whether it be one solution or another.

Good. People need a knock on the head and to learn from mistakes....

You know how I knew not to use Storage Boxes as bags? 20 years ago I did the same thing... learned my lesson and haven't done it since...


Active member
They didn't penalize you in the city so you could get from the crafting area to the bank to toss them in. The -75% speed in adventure areas is not a bug. Working as intended.
It's not consistent.

Qeynos crafting area, no speed debuff when carrrying boxes. Freeport crafting area, slow to a walk.
Some of the adventure areas next to the neighbourhoods have a slow down while others don't.

If it was consistent that locations with housing or crafting had no speed decrease and adventure zones do have a speed decrease, then it would be obvious it was intentional, but that's just not the way it is right now.