Sparse harvesting nodes in CL


Bard since 2004
I know there were more harvest nodes than this is 2006. I just did a full run of CL and no roots at all. Mostly shrubs and wood, even then I got a whole 39 wood, 21 electrum, 10 iron, 4 salty loam, 10 pelts and some food stuffs that is it for a full run of the entire zone? I shudder to think of what harvesting will be like when the server goes live. Please check and see if the number of nodes popping is where it should be at.


New member
not just Commonlands, also Antonica. Found 3-4 root nodes in 4 hours. Very sparse while some other nodes are abundant in their reasonable areas and sparse elsewhere (like it it should be), wood and fish to be precise.


Active member
You have to harvest all nodes. You can't cherrypick.
These are also wildly cranked up yields versus when T5 was live, but I suspect people want to leave it like that, either because it's accurate to 2006, or they want tradeskilling to be worthless ASAP :) T5 Used to be a single attempt at a single harvest. No multi harvest, node would poof on failure, 6 seconds to mine an ore, significantly slower skillups and rares were at least twice as rare.

Count your blessings! If they roll some of the rest back, the market won't be flooded and you'll always have customers.


I've strip mined everything I find in CL...the problem now is, I'm staring at 10+ fishing nodes in one pond.
I don't harvest to sell, I harvest to make gear for myself, family, friends and guildies.

If I'm busy clearing out the fish for other nodes I lose out on other harvests. If I'm not using a bot to hold a zone just for me to harvest, I lose too.

The node density needs a tweak. Not a big one, but a tweak.

And the "wildly cranked up yields"? Can I borrow your dice? I'm super lucky if I harvest more than a single. Rarely I get a 3 and I can count on one hand how my 5 harvests I've gotten in the last couple hours.


Bard since 2004
I WAS harvesting everything at midnight my time so 2 am est. Part of the issue is the fishing nodes are tied into the rotation. So when they all end up fishing nodes while sitting there clearing those from the ponds/lakes in CL someone else is grabbing all the other nodes. And please don't tell me how it "used to be" I have been playing since the beta right before live launched in 2004. I am VERY familiar with harvesting as it is my relax time usually. I wouldn't care if harvesting the node was slower like it used to be if there were actually nodes to harvest. As far as rares I didn't get ANY at all so you sir are getting amazing RNG results or found all the nodes that I could not find. I ran all over CL and areas I know are usually full of nodes had none or just one node.

As far as count my blessings? Every one of my characters crafts and if I can't find any harvests well no crafting as I won't grind money to buy harvests from someone else. And I also do NOT craft to sell, I craft for my characters and friends/hubby/guidies. So making money is not the reason I am complaining.


Active member
I've strip mined everything I find in CL...the problem now is, I'm staring at 10+ fishing nodes in one pond.
I don't harvest to sell, I harvest to make gear for myself, family, friends and guildies.

If I'm busy clearing out the fish for other nodes I lose out on other harvests. If I'm not using a bot to hold a zone just for me to harvest, I lose too.

The node density needs a tweak. Not a big one, but a tweak.

And the "wildly cranked up yields"? Can I borrow your dice? I'm super lucky if I harvest more than a single. Rarely I get a 3 and I can count on one hand how my 5 harvests I've gotten in the last couple hours.

Yes, this is wildly cranked up. You used to have a SINGLE CHANCE at a SINGLE RAW per node. Now you're guaranteed at least 3 raws per node, up to *36* per node. You are also 6x as likely to harvest a rare per node.

Your mindset is tuned to rush. You should still be harvesting months from now. At this rate, harvesting is identical to Varsoon, and all raws will be worthless within a week of the tier being cracked. Rares soon after.
Some of this is accurate to 2006. Some of this is not. Deciding which parts break T5 is the point of discussion for a different thread. This one is about the quantity of nodes.

Caith checked the quantity of nodes today and there are hundreds of spawned nodes. I recommend finding a friend who needs a different node than you and go on a harvesting excursion :) Split up, don't cherry pick and you'll have enough to drown the market in no time.


Bard since 2004
It doesn't matter if there are NO NODES TO HARVEST. You are clearly set on just ripping into anyone who thinks differently than you do. I don't care if I get less harvests from each node or it takes longer to actually harvest them. I just want enough nodes there to harvest and in 2006 this was not a problem!!


Yes, this is wildly cranked up. You used to have a SINGLE CHANCE at a SINGLE RAW per node. Now you're guaranteed at least 3 raws per node, up to *36* per node. You are also 6x as likely to harvest a rare per node.

Your mindset is tuned to rush. You should still be harvesting months from now. At this rate, harvesting is identical to Varsoon, and all raws will be worthless within a week of the tier being cracked. Rares soon after.
Some of this is accurate to 2006. Some of this is not. Deciding which parts break T5 is the point of discussion for a different thread. This one is about the quantity of nodes.

Caith checked the quantity of nodes today and there are hundreds of spawned nodes. I recommend finding a friend who needs a different node than you and go on a harvesting excursion :) Split up, don't cherry pick and you'll have enough to drown the market in no time.

Did you miss the part where I said I "strip mined" CL? In case you didn't know, that means I harvested EVERY node I came across, including the wildly overspawned fishing nodes.

Harvesting here is nothing like Varsoon. 90% of crafters on Varsoon didn't harvest, they sent their pack ponies. The ones that did harvest were primarily targeting bushes for the rare food items.

Nobody is "deciding" anything here. Much like you, we are providing feedback on what we think doesn't feel right. That is all.


Active member
The harvest nodes respawn rate seems incredibly long now: nodes seem to take hours to respawn, even when there's not another soul around you everywhere you're running across the landscapes.

I've been here since launch day, and it has never been like this, and certainly wasn't in 2006. I suspect that originally, the devs shut off t2 harvest nodes to keep people focused on t1 testing. And now that they've put them on again, the harvesting nodes respawn time is incredibly broken. It's taking hours and you still have whole landscapes that remain empty. Even at 8:30am EST/5:30am PST. I'm off today so I thought I'd look to see.
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New member
Nod respawn time in CL seems fine. I have had multiple respawn within eyeshot immediately. However, the amount that end up as fishing nodes that no one clears is a massive problem. As Boldac said, the problem then is that if I am the only (or one of few) people clearing the fishing respawns, others are just mining the ore etc. It's pretty unbearable, in one small section of river, I was able have Line of Sight on over 15 fish nodes.


Active member
only 15? i worked on the left branch of the river far bottom area and just getting up to the T i hit like 25 nodes of clearing...


Active member
The thing is, there are now huge swathes of Shattered Lands land masses that never spawn any harvesting mats at all anymore, which is not accurate to the time period.

They changed the "every mat type spawning everywhere" node spawning location mindset when Maj'Dul got put in. But only Maj'Dul and the newer zones than that (KoS etc.) had the different harvesting: ore went into the croc caves, nodes of bushes spawned in the grass, etc.

They didn't ever go back and change all the T1, T2, T3 etc of Shattered Lands to match it and never have. So now with this change in beta, harvesting mat node placement is no longer like it was in 2006. It needs to be reverted back to accurately reflect 2006 harvesting mat node placement in Shattered Lands.
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surprise, the rock nodes are on literal rocks and mountains in antonica, just like most of the felled wood is in the forests. CL is easy, just go to the Nek griffon tower search by the lionesses hanging around the giant rock formations. literally unlimited resources in Ant and CL, i delete constantly just farming rares lol... Antonica has the most if you ask me, just stop looking on the ground..


Active member
surprise, the rock nodes are on literal rocks and mountains in antonica, just like most of the felled wood is in the forests. CL is easy, just go to the Nek griffon tower search by the lionesses hanging around the giant rock formations. literally unlimited resources in Ant and CL, i delete constantly just farming rares lol... Antonica has the most if you ask me, just stop looking on the ground..

Unfortunately, this change has made harvesting not accurate to the 2006 time period. Harvesting mat node placement needs to be reverted to reflect its 2006 time period. Please re-read my post if you aren't understanding the details of this.


New member
surprise, the rock nodes are on literal rocks and mountains in antonica, just like most of the felled wood is in the forests. CL is easy, just go to the Nek griffon tower search by the lionesses hanging around the giant rock formations. literally unlimited resources in Ant and CL, i delete constantly just farming rares lol... Antonica has the most if you ask me, just stop looking on the ground..
while I do agree with you, there are nodes where they should be. Logs in the forest, rocks near rocks and mountains... (in Antonica) but the problem is, the lack of roots spawning. I harvest literally every node I see and roots were non-existent for the most part.


New member
There are huge swaths of farms with no root/shrub nodes. Same for areas with high level but not instant agro mobs. Yet miraculously you get to the densely agro mob areas and suddenly there are nodes. Same goes for rocky and mountanous areas with no ore/stone nodes until its surrounded by agro mobs.

By all means have the risk reward of some dangerous areas but don't limit it only to those areas. Right now its partially alleviated by the live server yield rates. If that were to change these nodes will be woefully insufficient. People aren't going to group clear just to harvest if its too troublesome they are just going to mob grind to 50 and then go back when its gray. Being ablee to craft relevant food, skill/item upgrades as you go is something you want to encourage instead of "ignore all till T5" mentality.
Antonica didn't seem particularly sparse when I was harvesting there for a few hours. I mean yeah, there's competition than normal so that has to be factored in. Another issue is I think a lot of people are just ignoring logs, and since everything except fish are in the same spawn pool, eventually everything just turns into logs.