Fixed Internally Screen flicker


New member
Since the Tuesday update, I get a very fast flickering of items on my screens - zone and map screens are the most noticeable. It is also very noticeable around the hot buttons.
I put a ticket in for this and they told me sorry your computer no longer supports the game. So now my 3 yr old computer can no longer run a 20+ year old game as of Tuesday 🥴


Active member
You know, its funny this is brought up. I was in Nek forest near the bridge with the badgers building dams, and suddenly I saw these weird flickers. I kind of dismissed it as I saw it nowhere else. But, now I wonder if it is related.

The flickers happened SO fast that I could not get a screen cap. It was either a lightning fast flash of light, or the look of a light/bright strip of tree bark, or the light flash of a waterflow (perhaps an artifact of the nearby river?) I could not be sure, it was THAT fast.

I can tell you a couple things to start, my laptop was bought only in the last 2 years, and my graphics hardware are well beyond reqs for this game at the moment. I also have never seen this before this past update. Not saying it is definitely caused by it, since I do not recall being in that one specific spot anytime in the last few years, but it sure is coincidence.

If any dev wants to look into this, I would be happy to show you exactly the area it happened. I recall it very well.

Hope this helps, and if you need anything more, please do ask. :)


New member
I'm having the same problem, and on top of that, I cannot log in on my defiler. I'm afraid to do anything cuz I'll lose my defiler, which I've worked very hard on


Active member
Ok, here we go. I got the images for you this time! :)

Since there was more discussion of this, I decided to go back and check the area to see if I could find where the flickering was strongest.
Not only did I find it, but in this one spot there is A LOT of it. This time, to capture the REALLY fast flicker (we are talking hundreds of a second here) I decided to try to just keep tapping screencap/print screen over and over really fast and sift through the images. This method captured it. And here we go:


Can you see why I thought it was tree bark? Doesn't that look sort of like a birch tree? heh
But from the still image my eye can now see, what it could not quite grasp fast enough, and it is obviously the water.
Or maybe Moses trying to part the river? LOL
See...even the beaver stops and watches in awe! :LOL:

When I stood there, I saw that same thing flicker ALL around me REALLY really fast...lots and lots of times. Like fast multiple lightning strikes.
This time I even picked up a coordinate for ya:
/way -109.22, 2.04, -216.74

As a *non* animating graphics designer...I suspect this has something to do with the new graphics update (directx) and the fact that that river flows so fast. I hope you don't slow it down though. It lends such a fierce atmosphere to the area! Makes it feel so foreboding and dangerous! hehe

Anyway, if any other information is needed, please do ask.
Hope this helps. :geek:


New member
I'm also having flickering. Mostly the hot bars and the mini map. It was so bad I had to camp after less than 5 minutes; it was giving me a headache. I am running DirectX 12, so shocked the update to 11 is causing such problems.


Active member
I posted my answers to your questions on the thread you mention above, as I was not sure if you wanted them here or there.

I should also note, that I asked a few people on my server to go look at the same spot, and at least 3-4 people came to the Nek River and said they saw the same thing. I know one of those people said they would post their answers tomorrow (or later today I should say, since it is 2am here.)
As far as the other people, I recommended they post answers here, but not sure if and when they will do so.
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Nektulos bridge / water texture flickers are absolutely real. I saw them last night and tested about every setting; they are definitely there. I have two 20-min videos showing it (which I need to upload to YT and then I will create a proper thread.)

Actually no need the video above is exactly it. Definitely happens only around that particular river in Nek.


New member
I'm seeing this In Nektulos along the river too, but (mostly) only when my character is facing the water.


I'm seeing the exact same thing that's depicted in the user videos, only there are more 'flashes,' and they're appearing/disappearing faster. Also, they're all very faint (although still clearly visible - I can see the 'branching' effect in them).
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New member
with vertical synchronous. Switched on in window mode, second window on, it doesn't work anymore, it shouldn't be that way, before updates it went better and some options no longer work, I hope they fix it, it's not the hardware, it's far enough With dx 11.1 against dx 9 it should work much better