Requiem of Reflection


This would almost be a good buff if it wasn't a 10% chance to proc when receiving damage. Simply put, it needs to be triggered by something else. We just simply are not being hit by enough hostile spells ever to make it useful.


New member
I would say make it a chance to proc from any damage intake, and keep the trigger chance low enough to not be full uptime, say 50% uptime to be conservative.


New member
I think at first the triggering factor needs to be changed to "any damage received" and go from there to see if the trigger percentage needs be changed. With VR, Ancient is a 17% trigger chance but as Rhap mentioned, it doesn't proc off surge and there's very few mobs with "spell damage" that it'll proc off of anyway.

Potency aside, the damage proc on it, Shock of Sound, could definitely use some help as well. Unfortunately due to the very low trigger chance of the buff itself I don't have a lot of data on this, but the times I did see it hit, it was very low and negligible. If the 3 trigger limit must stay in affect, then the damage should be increased by double or triple. However the best solution would be to just eliminate the trigger limit and allow it to proc off of any damage received as the spell itself states.