Predator AA Intoxication


Active member
This ability just needs to be trashed and started over. I agree I would like to see it become an always on buff with the actual damage increased, the displayed damage rarely ever hits for anything close to it.


New member
I agree, Intoxication is virtually pointless and it's one of the most annoying AAs because it renders the whole Intelligence tree in the Heroic tab extremely underwhelming. I don't even necessarily need Intoxication to do significant damage, it'd be interesting if it was a meaningful debuff or had a proc chance that increased our CBO/CB, or fervor/fervorOC. Right now it's just absolutely pointless. If we have limited hours of dev time to devote to assassin, revamping this one could be really awesome.


Active member
It needs to be a until canceled buff with no triggers, the fact it has 1 trigger proc then you have to recast it is ridiculous for the low damage it does definitely needs to be buffed atleast 2.5x and removed that 1 trigger proc