Suggestion New instance of Launcher closes automatically


New member
If I'm running the game and I want to open a second account I'll open the Launcher in the background, it sometimes takes 20 seconds or so before it's ready to choose the account and toon so rather than sit and watch paint dry I carry on doing stuff in game, but if I forget about it for a minute, the launcher automatically closes. I appreciate the launcher automatically closing as soon as that instance starts "Playing" (button changes from "Play" to "Playing") but if it's still on "Play" it really shouldn't close.


If I'm running the game and I want to open a second account I'll open the Launcher in the background, it sometimes takes 20 seconds or so before it's ready to choose the account and toon so rather than sit and watch paint dry I carry on doing stuff in game, but if I forget about it for a minute, the launcher automatically closes. I appreciate the launcher automatically closing as soon as that instance starts "Playing" (button changes from "Play" to "Playing") but if it's still on "Play" it really shouldn't close.
I have noted this as well, and it happens to me all the time because I get distracted often. What seems to be happening is that when the launcher loads, it is still set for the account it last logged into. I log into account 1 and start playing. Later I hit the launcher again to bring account2 online. The patcher comes up in the background still set to account 1, detects that the account is in use, and therefore the button is still set to 'Playing', and closes out after a period of time.

Once I successfully swap to account 2 and the button swaps to play, this no longer occurs. If I bring that account up, play it for a bit, then camp it to desktop, the next time I bring up the launcher it is still set to account 2 and the launcher stays active for as long as needed.

I'm not sure if there is a way to set it so that if it is brought up, it just doesn't close out unless the EQ2.exe application is actively called by the launcher. That would give you more time to switch the account and would indeed be nice.