Gut Rip III, remove the positional checks


New member
Gut Rip III is frustrating to use because it appears to have 2 positional checks; one at the start of cast and another one a whole 1.25 sec later.
Please remove, at least, the positional check at the end of cast; but preferably both positional checks, and while you're at it, reduce the cast time to what scout combat arts should be.


Active member
Positional checks have also been a thorn in my side considering that only scouts have to deal with them. Why are scouts punished for named mechanics that force us to face the mob, be at its side, be at distance, considering mages for example have no such restrictions. This would be different if a mage was also restricted to the same positional requirements, it's time to remove these from the game mechanics.


Active member
No I don't think we should remove positional requirements, they should not be enforced twice though (seems like a bug that). Mages don't get positional issues (aside from range on aoes) however they cannot cast and move where scouts can, it's also part of your class identity, a ranger uses ranged attacks so has be at range (although in reality this range is small now) a assassin moves in the shadows and attacks from behind etc.

If we start removing these restrictions then we start moving towards all classes being the same.

on short fights positional attacks can be a pain but as long as your tank is turning the mob and holding it in the right place it's OK. I guess in solo they are more of a pain and maybe asking for the solo buff to remove positional requirements would be an idea, but I think raid/group content there is no issue with positional attacks.


New member
Positional checks have also been a thorn in my side considering that only scouts have to deal with them. Why are scouts punished for named mechanics that force us to face the mob, be at its side, be at distance, considering mages for example have no such restrictions. This would be different if a mage was also restricted to the same positional requirements, it's time to remove these from the game mechanics.
Don't Be messing with Mages! They are not Broke!


New member
The positional both ends mechanic seems to be across the board as far as a check both ends of the spell.

For example, you used to be able to start casting a long spell then back away from the mob and it would still land, but now, if by the time you've backed away out of range, the spell hasn't finished casting, it will say "Too far" or whatever instead of landing.

Maybe this was done to prevent people using ascensions on joust or something. If that's the intention then maybe an exclusion on positionals is called for.