Free Furniture on Test


Wielder of the Rolling Pin of Doom
Staff member
Testing live events tends to cause testers to end up with an overflow of furniture. Kasa has collected her own items, plus items from several others of us, and maintains many, many free furniture dungeons filled to the brim with furniture for players on the Test server.

Yep. Free. There's tons and tons to browse through and take for your desired decoration projects.

When requesting access, give a single character name from your account, and we can add it. Once it is added, you will have trustee access and can add alts to the lists as desired.

Once you have access, be in a city or overland zone, and hit up the dungeons tab of your character sheet. Once you "edit" to access a dungeon, wander through, take what you need, /house to get quick access to the exit button instead of searching for the exit portal.