Feral Rampage I-VI


Active member
This ability needs a bit of an increase to the stats given, at rank 6 it gives 60CB, 40DPS and 10 Flurry with an increase to all combat art base damage of 18%, this equates to a minimal increase on most combat arts and makes it harder to maintain full savagery, I propose the duration of this ability is increased from 17s to 30s to make it a little easier to maintain, the CB is increase to 1000 cb/cboc, DPS is increased to 300, flurry is increased to 100, flurry multiplier added (maybe 20), the damage increase on all combat arts changed to make it worth while (currently it equates to around a 2-5% increase in abilities) and the increased savagery decay rate to be reduced (again to make it a little easier to maintain particularly on fights with jousts)


Active member
cb could be 600cb that'd be fair, dps could bump to 400 ,flurry could be changed to flurry multi maybe make that 5? id buff the ca' bump to 25%-30%. would be nice if the duration was extended abit but i think thats the part of the bl is skill is the maintain that and savagery so id say buff it to a nice 20s to round it off.


Active member
I think Flurry multiplier could be 20, bristlebane diety buff adds 6.2 and is always up so, making it 10-20 seems right. I was thinking of the fights with jousts for the time extension, so annoying that you have to stand out and watch the buff drop as you only got 17s to reapply and none of our primals have any range!


Active member
could maybe add a proc to the pet to possibly maintain this if your over 15m from target by a small % chance just for joust fights as away to add value to pet and help keep maintained dps of this buff.