Feedback DirectX 11 on Test


New member
I've no idea if anybody on the team will see this, but...
From my experience, the DirectX change is working great on Test. I love the fact that anti-aliasing support is back and - to top things off - I was recently lucky enough to buy an HDR monitor and the game looks gorgeous using Windows 11's auto HDR.
Top work, everybody!


Active member
Congrats! :D Glad it's working for you on 11! :)

On Win7, however, there are still issues; hell, even on a Win10 laptop on Test (which makes me worry about the rest of the game come the 9th)...

The following is not a travel map; it's supposedly the "landscape map" we'd be seeing when we just want to look at where we are and where we might want to head for in the zone itself:

That is awful. It looks like a travel map, without the benefits of being useful. Even the compass rose is pretty much gone, only barely hinted at.

This is the same map on a server not yet inflicted by DirectX 11:

THAT is what a zone map, a landscape map, is supposed to look like. >:-/

When I wanted to actually travel to another zone, I got this (okay, so it's Fast Travel, but I've never noticed any difference between that and using a World Bell, for example):

It's sepia/brown-toned, it's fairly fugly, but it is functional, and even the compass rose is there. :) It's indicating I'm currently in the Enchanted Lands (yeah, I know, no kidding ;->).

Here it is with The Commonlands selected:

And once I clicked on Next, it brought up the lovely, lovely Commonlands map, as it should be:

It's not quite as lush and green as the Enchanted Lands map, but then again, The Commonlands aren't in the "real life" of the game world. ;->

I don't know if it's DirectX 11 bothering even my Win10 laptop (which handles everything else superbly; far more so than my tired old reliable Win7 desktop workhorse, but I still love that one...these pix were actually taken and done up in MS Paint and DeviantArt on the Win7, but the results were the same on the 10), or something about a graphics card, or what, exactly. :-/

Is anyone else having this sort of problem? Granted, it's "just" a map, but what else is it screwing up? :-/



Active member
O devs; if we can't get back to our holiday in the midst of this, because of this (and seriously? you couldn't've waited 'til after the 14th?? :-/), can we please keep the holiday up until like MONDAY (yeah, yeah, the 15th, I know...but San Diego County has an extension from the IRS 'til June 17 or so ;->) at 11:59 pm? Or Tuesday morning at 6:59 am on the 16th? :-/

For all the servers...?

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IIRC the sepia maps are just the game default and the full colour ones are from eq2 maps? In which case eq2 maps may need to make an adjustment to fix it.

In the meantime there are still some issues with blue tinting. The 'Golden Statue of Lord Nagafen' from last year's Chrono event is currently displaying on Test as a beautiful pale blue. The gold accents on the pedestal itself are fine but the metal statue portion is completely blue.


Active member
IIRC the sepia maps are just the game default and the full colour ones are from eq2 maps? In which case eq2 maps may need to make an adjustment to fix it.

In the meantime there are still some issues with blue tinting. The 'Golden Statue of Lord Nagafen' from last year's Chrono event is currently displaying on Test as a beautiful pale blue. The fold accents on the pedestal itself are fine but the metal statue portion is completely blue.
Ah! Whew; I hope you're right and it is something that easy to fix. :)

And while that bit with the statue does sound lovely, it does make me wonder what other things are "off"; for instance, in The Commonlands, it seems like we've gone from the usual atmosphere of Earth, say, to like something on Mars, where the reds are more BRIGHTLY GLARING! and every other warm color, at least there, is kicked up to the nth degree as well, even with a Personal Torch off and at night. X-P

(And the choice of colors in the spectrum of this palette here in this "new! :D Improved! :D Shinier! :D Betterest! :D Only one thread about DirectX 11 any more [for now]! :D" forums site pretty much stinks; what was wrong with the old one? :-/)

EDIT: Oh, wait; hang on, d'you mean the game's maps, or a third-party's maps? Because I don't use any third-party stuff at all; the lovely maps on Antonia Bayle with Topwe were the "game default" for as long as I've known them. :-/ The fugly sepia maps, the ones that aren't travel maps, on Public Test, those ain't right. :-/

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I don't think the sepia toned maps are a side effect of anything to do with DX11. It appears those assets are set (or resampled) at a higher resolution; when you zoom in they don't pixelate and maintain a smooth appearance, even at 3440. (The fast-travel maps are still the colored versions, which is a little bit disjointed.)

I suppose it's a matter of taste. Personally I like the sepia maps; they give the old-school UI feel and look like old cartography maps.

Some assets are not changed. If you go to the Commonlands and open the exploration Map Window, it's the exact same colored version. If you are in another zone (apparently the Enchanted Lands, and also the IoR Colonies) it's the sepia-map.

Seems an asset mixup issue to me, probably overlooked in some zones. Interesting though that the sepia maps seems to be of higher quality resolution.
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I suppose it's a matter of taste. Personally I like the sepia maps; they give the old-school UI feel and look like old cartography maps.
No, it's a matter of visual acuity. The sepia maps do not have enough contrast for anyone with aging eyes to really see them clearly. I've just spent a week struggling to find things in Darklight Wood using the sepia map, which for some reason I've always had for that zone on all servers.


No, it's a matter of visual acuity. The sepia maps do not have enough contrast for anyone with aging eyes to really see them clearly. I've just spent a week struggling to find things in Darklight Wood using the sepia map, which for some reason I've always had for that zone on all servers.
Fair point.

Edit -- and you're right, DLW has always had that map. Leads me to believe that these are simply maps that were put in after the legacy map system was ended (i.e. the old, old launch era maps) and before the new colorized maps were added. And some were just never updated.
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Active member
WEll the map problem is fixed but the Naggy problem just transferred to live with the update.
Ah, the old good news/bad news bit...and you gotta admit, the Naggy problem is at least pretty; could've been worse...could've been the HOT BLAZING PINK of the cubic temporary art... X-P



Active member
Okay! Getting back in after the Big Update, and I have to ask: what does this help? My FPS have gone down to about half what they were, though usually just when I try to...move? :-/

I can understand, I guess, if the various program manufacturers are killing their old stuff and it won't work any more, period, but if it's just for the sake of "pretty pretty art! :D" I think I could've lived without it. X-P

who at least is rejoicing that the maps are back to colorful snuff :)


Ah, the old good news/bad news bit...and you gotta admit, the Naggy problem is at least pretty; could've been worse...could've been the HOT BLAZING PINK of the cubic temporary art... X-P

Oh, he's incredibly pretty but I think he'd take it as a gross insult to be coloured blue ... (then again, I'm not sure if being coloured gold wouldn't be an insult under the circumstances too )