Not A Bug [Critical] No notice of encumbrance system and can not restore initial backpack


New member
So yea.. I lost inventory space.

But let me explain why what I did was 100% logical. So im brand new to EQ2, but a veteran of many mmos (I'm pretty ancient when it comes to mmorpgs, played EQ1 on launch, many years of my life leading guilds, raids, etc).

1. Notice inventory space is limited and the packs i was getting as quest rewards were strangely named and annoying in terms of arranging them in the ui.
2. Temptation to figure out how to get more as I know from other mmorpgs, inventory space is king, but with no guides easily googlable given the classic version is totally different.. stuck on how to find them.
3. Solution: Use auction house like other games, (Broker here)
3. Select category: Bags. Logically everything in this category is an item to expand inventory regardless of fancy flavor naming. (hint i did not know: It's not)
4. Buy the one with the most slots, best bang for buck. A big silver/grey one has 12 slots, bit expensive but i got the coin, managed a little over 1 gold after many hours of play.
5. Equip 6 of them. Get excited as I now have tons of space.
6. Spend an hour organizing them nicely , naming them, etc.
7. All is well, go to bank put some stuff in.
8. Go across some zones, all is well.
9. Enter a zone to kill some stuf.. Suddenly im bugged. Can't run. No notice of why. Restart the game.
10. Still bugged. Still I cant run ***.
11. Google it. No results,
12. Ask on discord. No one knows.
13. Figure okay whats different? I have a lot of inventory. Is there some hidden weight limit like other mmos that isnt shown?
14. google it. There isn't. Official wiki says it was removed.
15. Wrack brain again. Check stats screen, says -75% speed, but no explanation why. Check if I have debuffs.
16. No debuffs.
17. Leave zone by very slowly walking to town. Notice I can now run again.. mmm good but why cant I in the zone with quests/mobs.
18. Ask again on discord and mention the bags I bought.

The items under the bags filter in broker are sometimes called sacks, some called packs or bags, or some have other weird names, the ones i got said box.

Ask discord: Boxes are not allowed to be in pack slots so they say.. Yet I did it, and it worked quite fine except I cant run.

So i figure okay everything has to be named pack or sack to work.. Try a sack, ooh thats only for ammo.. okay the description says that. (Box description says NOTHING of the sort that it's not to be used for inventory expansion).
Also im broke and cant buy packs. If my friend didnt give me there coin, id be pretty screwed. They did and i bough some labeled pack, best of which can only hold 6 slots each, those worked fine.

But the 12 starter pack I destroyed (for uniformity since the 12 slot box I had looked nicer)... gone forever.

So yea the bug here:
Perhaps there is some internal hidden encumbrances system that gives -75% even if you carry 1 box on a very strong chracter,. (im a barbarian berserker with 70+ strength at the time, in the real word ya he could probably run with a big box of 12 items)... Or you simply arent supposed to put boxes in those slots. Either way: The game needs a CLEAR notice that you cant run in combat zones with those and they are only meant for use on the broker/bank. They should state this in there examine description and the game should show a debuff and chat log notice you cant run because of the boxes.

Bug 2:
Also, there is a "restore" tab in my char sheet. Sure enough my starter 12 slot pack is there..
But the button does nothing. Im screwed and cant get the backpack back, so thats bugged. Infact many items are there but none can be restored. So now im permanently down at least 6 slots.
There is a hidden encumbrance for using strongboxes, which are intended to be used in your bank. You need to use backpacks, not strongboxes, when adventuring.


Active member
It's not super hidden. It tells you when you zone why you're encumbered. It's a fine system, but there should definitely be a warning in the tooltip. +1 for that. It's a new mechanic to replace the old weight mechanic, so beta is a good place to fix something like that.

Being able to destroy the starting backpack is brutal.