[Bug] Resist Rates


Active member
We had this conversation when fighting oranges and reds in Vermin's Snye the other night. Scouts were struggling with brawler mobs, as they always have, and we got to looking at hit rates. It does seem like mage resist rates are very, very forgiving. We had coercers mezzing red mobs no problem, never having charm breaks on orange mobs.. and then the same thing was brought up in the official discord, so probably not just my feeling on this one.

I do know that resistability has changed multiple times, even evident in the patch notes, but unsure if what we're looking at now is era-accurate or not. I'll do some digging for parses or comments about it, but if it's something that can simply be "looked into", it probably should be.

Screwy resist rates, plus no fizzles are going to juice mages hard, especially on raid mobs. Hit rates have always been worse than resist rates, but there are just.. virtually no resists happening. 5-10% failure on orange/red mobs doesn't *seem* right.


Active member



Okay so.. These definitely imply that resists rates were more forgiving towards the end of DOF against yellow and lower mobs. But they also imply that orange mobs resisted significantly more, even back then. Red mobs I can't even imagine.

Evidence is mounting that something isn't working correctly.


Active member
without a doubt resist rates are too low. even at level 12 we're able to kill literally anything that's level 19 or lower due to the "tier" it is in. the moment a mob hits 20 though is when we start to have issues and actually have to think on how to defeat it.

raise resist rates on mobs!


New member
At this moment that problem is relevant for ALL spells in game. At 12 level no spell misses in any way against 12-19 lv mobs. Screenshot shows a log from Firemyst Gully, where most of the enemies have red con.


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New member
But if mob has 20+ level resists starting to work. For example fight with Jereth Blackshield (20 Heroic ^^^)


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Active member
They probably retooled resists for mobs "8 levels above you" at some point, since that's when mobs become orange at higher levels? idk. And originally, it was mobs 10 levels higher than you I think, and cons meant very different things. They've also changed how resists work: partial resists existed in vanilla, for example.

Which state these things should be in for Origins is up to Caith, but it's definitely not right


Active member
or it's because 1-9 is a tier of resist modifiers etc. 10-19 t2 etc. and due to the resists jumping by x amount per tier the lower level spells actually start to get resisted like they should on of level encounters.