Avatar Travel Unlocks


New member
In the beginning when we got our first Avatar camps, they offered us a one time only, time limited, ability to purchase these baubles, so we could fast travel to the avatar camps. To start with, and to be fair, we did not know how much grinding of these quests were going to be needed and people, I am sure I am not the only one, hoarded my reward tokens. So we didn't buy the baubles.

Can we not have like a monthly quest, with the end result being, the ability to purchase the baubles we missed? Each one would have it's own quest. maybe complete the quest, and when done, you have to go out in the world to find that altar somewhere. When you find it and turn it in, the bauble will pop up in the window so you can buy it.

Just a thought.


I have purchased the baubles faithfully since they were first available, but I know many people who haven't, and wish they had them. And some of those people were not playing constantly since the heralds came out, they were on vacations, or just taking a break from the game.

It would be nice for players to have a chance to buy the ones they missed.