

16 professional spell fervor is just a weird buff to have. This used to be a haste/autocentric buff. I say make it that again. Give it DPS, Haste, Weapon Damage Bonus, and Flurry.

The essence of the troub was that we had so many good buffs that we had to pick and choose in order to min/max for our raid/group. Now we are so underpowered it almost doesn't matter which concentration buffs we choose.


New member
my saying for the last years, but I am still waiting on an adjustment. I realy do think they dont like troubs anymore;):(


New member
Im not 100% on board with Trouby's getting auto stat buffs, isn't that the dirge's world...?
Both bard classes share one of their biggest auto attack buffs, Fortissimo. So no I don't think it's strictly a dirge's responsibility to buff auto attack.


Im not 100% on board with Trouby's getting auto stat buffs, isn't that the dirge's world...?

The nature of the bard is that there are options. Troub may not be as strong for melee, but there used to be an option to swap around. Thats the point of only having 5 concentration slots. Everything comes with a choice. If you make troub (like it is now) only buff mages, then they will only see play in groups that have mages regularly. Considering the strength of Scout dps, we need to have something other than Fervor to give.


New member
This feels like a more general problem, than Troub specific. Changing Allegretto to buff melee stats would effectively make the buff worthless at endgame, further exacerbating the issue you're pointing out with the lack of exclusive choices.
The nature of the bard is that there are options. Troub may not be as strong for melee, but there used to be an option to swap around. Thats the point of only having 5 concentration slots. Everything comes with a choice. If you make troub (like it is now) only buff mages, then they will only see play in groups that have mages regularly. Considering the strength of Scout dps, we need to have something other than Fervor to give.
This also kind of hints on the issue with splitting bard effectiveness between scout/mage. It's suppose to be melee/casting, with unique tools suited to each classes playstyle and "lore," but with melee/auto attack being worthless on all the classes, and the RoR epics being the primary function of the class atm, that divide just puts bards in a worse spot all around.


.... effectively make the buff worthless at endgame....
I take issue with this, there are plenty of times that I am forced to group with a scout DPS in the end game content (in fact for the last 2 years I was the bard for a group that WW1st or 2nd most heroic content that was a scout dps group. I would have loved to been able to run a buff that actually helped his dps rather than did next to nothing.

That being said, we agree on the point that we need to have an option to buff either even if its not as strong as the Dirge. Were supposed to be a class that can chose what buffs to run out of our 5 conc slots.


New member
Oh, I was just referring to BoZ endgame, where none of the classes (including all of the scouts) have more than 2% of their parse attributed to auto attacks. Maybe that was something that changed relatively recently, but it seemed to be a consistent/inevitable trend the past few xpacks (baring the times when auto attack damage was bugged/broken with food and other buffs)