Zander’s Choral Rebuff


“Increases arcane damage done to target encounter” should either be buffed, or changed to “Increases all damage done to target encounter”
“Decreases Combat Mitigation of target encounter by XXX.X” should be increased by 10x.
“Decreases Mitigation of target encounter vs elemental, noxious and arcane damage by xxxx” should get a slight increase.


New member
Zander's, which is a shared bard ability, I think needs a whole rework.

Increased damage done by X% already has a set cap doesn't it? which is generally hit by rending procs and other abilities that do the same thing?
Combat mit reduction could definitely use an increase, maybe at least doubled (GM with VR is 730; 1400 cm redux doesn't seem unreasonable)
With combat mit and rending procs, does decreasing magic mit even do anything anymore? (legit question) If so, then increasing this by double or triple the current value could help this be a legit debuff.

I'm unsure about Dirges but Troubs also get a damage proc via the Prestige AA Soul Sonata attached to this spell: Zander's Mystic Assault
At GM with VR, the trigger chance goes up to 15%, however the damage is still pretty insignificant, especially on single target encounters (which most raid encounters are). I'd like to see this changed into either a dot, or damage increased by 50-100% to make it viable (or even both would be nice unless that'd be too OP)