Vector of Life - add ward


Active member
Vector of Life is a particularly cool spell in that it's a potentially raidwide heal where positioning matters, but unfortunately one-shot heals have fallen off enormously in their use because the window in which players go from full health to dead is incredibly brief. Adding a ward component to this spell would restore its functionality and restore the unique niche that channelers can enjoy as positional raidwide healers, where they could potentially heal/ward an entire raid but could also 'miss' and heal/ward no one.

I'm thinking a ~30 second duration ward with similar values to Shaper's Wall, their prestige ward.


Active member
That's true, but the ward is pretty short duration and you need to stack Supercharge first, so I'm not sure it's totally redundant. If you think there's too much overlap, we could go the route of having damage reduction associated with vector of life instead: something like 15-25% would probably still make it relevant even if the heal component doesn't really do anything.


New member
That's true, but the ward is pretty short duration and you need to stack Supercharge first, so I'm not sure it's totally redundant. If you think there's too much overlap, we could go the route of having damage reduction associated with vector of life instead: something like 15-25% would probably still make it relevant even if the heal component doesn't really do anything.
I do. I feel the core mechanic of the channeler is to intercept/reduce the damage, not ward it. Maybe add an intercept component stack to vector of life. If it hits x amount of players, those players will gain a stack of 3(?) intercepts.

I do like the damage reduction thought as well. Would work with true spirit rift or storming thoughts.


Active member
The intercept idea is really interesting, I like that a lot - as you said, it plays into intercepts being part of the core of how channelers play. Having to play around the construct health when casting it makes it more than just another spammed heal too.

I guess we could do both intercept and DR, though DR makes it feel more compulsory to spam it while the intercept would have preconditions around the construct's health.


New member
The intercept idea is really interesting, I like that a lot - as you said, it plays into intercepts being part of the core of how channelers play. Having to play around the construct health when casting it makes it more than just another spammed heal too.

I guess we could do both intercept and DR, though DR makes it feel more compulsory to spam it while the intercept would have preconditions around the construct's health.
So how does this work? DO we create a new poll? titled Vector of Life - add intercept component ?


Active member
I don't think we necessarily need to start a new thread - it seems like it's just based on whatever the consensus of the discussion happens to end up at, which sounds like either an intercept or DR. Ideally a few other people would chime in, and then eventually when we get enough votes/discussion, Caith will give us an estimate on time if the idea wouldn't be rejected outright (only seems to happen if it's something they just won't do, like mechanics they've moved away from for performance reasons or because of maintenance concerns), and then it goes to a poll. We do need to arrive at specifics based on discussion, though - like X amount of DR, or how the intercept would work exactly, etc.


Active member
Sounds perfect to me. For the intercept values, think something like the same values for overloaded interception?


I'm 100% on anything that allows the channeler to breath during fights. It needs help. A ward would do the trick. Not to mention that it's soooo painful to spend points on Channeler. You want everything but you cant get it. It's the "everything" that the class needs.