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Not A Bug Vampiric Requiem Self Damage Component hitting multiple times on AoEs


Active member

I have noticed that Vampiric Requiem has started hitting me multiple times when I cast an AoE without already having the Vampiric Requiem DoT ticking.

See picture from ACT where I have multiple hits at the same time (which should not be possible, surely)

For clarification, this is observed with the adorns:
\aITEM -645004037 63731305 0 0 0:[Tishan's Coldforged Rune: Vampiric Requiem]\/a
\aITEM -506770538 1437761191:Zimaran Rune: Felfeather's Vampiric Requiem\/a

Not sure if all version of it is effected in the same way.

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New member
Just ran a bunch of H2s and watched a sin hit one AOE and die one shot to vampiric through full wards and rolling heal over time. Can't heal through that if the effect stays the way it is at the moment. I also don't have enough death saves to protect that or even anticipate it. I don't mind them taking damage, even a fair amount of it keeps it fun and engaging but the one shots aren't preventable.


Well-known member
Correct, but it never did before and shouldn't now. Basically means depending on your class and the fight you kill yourself in 1 ae cast.

ETA: It's also not affecting abilities it used to affect
I do not like this either. It began during Beta, and sadly, we may be stuck with it, but I will hope that it does get remedied, sooner rather than later.


Active member
Feel free to make a new thread about the abilities its not working on anymore, but lets keep it out of this thread so we stay on topic to get this fix in 🙂


Well-known member
View attachment 3050
Ok. In that case, can we please have all of our Procs start proccing off of each AoE hit just like Vampiric Requiem does and just like it did way back when?

If not, then why should this work any different?
Right? Why change it so it only affects vampiric except to hinder and punish players using it? It's a guaranteed suicide to use it for quite a few classes.


except it is a bug, that has happened in prior expansion releases more than once and had to be fixed then, look at the dang records