Unbroken III: convert from Single target to Group wide


Convert Unbroken III from Single Target to Group Wide.
Target: Self -> Group (AE)
Power: 16,470 -> 32,3940
Effect Radius: Self -> 20.0-35.0 meters

Unbroken III is currently a replacement for Mountain Stance. Unbroken III dispels hostile Daze, Fear, Root, Strifle, Stun effects on caster and grants some buffs for every effect dispelled. I recommend that unbroken be made group wide. This is a way to elevate the class while keeping the theme of "defensive" and "healer friendly" tank. The ability is on a 1.5min cool down, and would still be "up" less often than the crusader group cures, thus not overshadowing them. For the ability Effect Radius, i would recommend between 20.0-35.0 meters.


Active member
i think it also should give some cb or cboc for the buff portion as melee stats aren't really much use. Idk if the stat part stacks or not but if it does stack maybe give 75cb or 250cboc and if it doesn't stack 500cb or 550cboc