The sound of....


I'm doing Hold of Rime: The Ascent for the first time. So far this is a 'cool' zone (pun intended). I was wondering if Velketors would have sliding around on the ice. On EQ1, until you learned you could change a setting you would really go sliding and hope you didn't fall off to meet your doom! Well, I just crossed the ice bridge here and I'm facing two 'A Laboring Forgotten Slave'. I play with my sound on and when I got close I'm thinking... this sounds like Queen's - We Will Rock You. :LOL:So, my question is for those that play with sound on... Has any one ever thought the same thing when they were here..? Have you noticed any other places where it sounds like a song (besides the game music)?


Heh, well it just struck me as that when I was coming around the corner. Reminded me of basketball days of stomping feet to that so fans would rally behind their team. I'll have to return and see if it still sounds that way or if it was a fluke.