Revive bug: The Caves, Move the table


Active member
My human got stuck to the side of the table there on a respawn. After pulling some spiders and fighting still stuck to the table, I finally had to use Call to Qeynos to get out of there.


Bard since 2004
It isn't just short players, it happened to my high elf for about 30 seconds. Eventually it released her. I am guessing if she was shorter though I would have had to waste call home.


Active member
Was making a joke, will do better next time.

But yes, respawn points for a few zones need a second look for sure.


New member
My froggy templar got stuck under the table too, she's not a particularly large toon and usually doesn't get stuck but there were at least 3 others that revived at the same time and that may have been what 'bumped' her under the table to get stuck, move the spawn point or the table, please.


New member
This is a problem for all smaller stature players, yes please either move the table or move the respawn point to a different spot