shoulder the burden needs threat transfer % increased


New member
I'd say the strongest aggro class in game does not need a buff on this one, but 7 >10% is minor enough but a suggestion that has been made over and over (and I think you'll agree) is to change the single to raid wide so that super charged DPS in the dps grp can be made the target of xfer. The current meta is BURST which guardians handle no problem EXCEPT on pulls before hold the line starts proccing or the target is in range of our very short range force targets (this is the buff we should ask for). This would alleviate the burst dps on pull hate issues.


New member
We are not Paladin's. We work for a living. But in case you didn't realise Vampiric Requiem boosts Shoulder the Burden. So we now get 18% single target and 6-7% group. So unless you have a bunch of high DPS in your party I would normally run single target on the highest DPS you've got.

I do find it challenging when the raid leader puts me in a group with none of the top four DPS and this skill feels wasted on number seven dps in the raid. But I guess part of that is better communication and better management of group setup.