Suggestion Prevent mass down voting

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New member
Is there a system in place to prevent people from mass downvoting class suggestions if they don’t play that class? If not could you make a roll we all select and only that role can vote in the pole for class change? IE id select the assassin/predator/scout role and I can only vote on changes that effect my class, I’d hate for a great to get mass down voted just because it was bord who suggested it and people down vote it because they don’t like cheese cake


Active member
I play practically all of the classess so I have a vested interest in being able to like or not anything that I feel or know will harm or help the classes I play. It also helps to know the roles and abilities of people I group with or even Raid with. So, I think that limiting input is not a very good idea.

Sweety D

I play practically all of the classess so I have a vested interest in being able to like or not anything that I feel or know will harm or help the classes I play. It also helps to know the roles and abilities of people I group with or even Raid with. So, I think that limiting input is not a very good idea.

I agree. I have (literally) ever class created and leveled over 120.


jack of all trades, master of none.
I agree.
Should be able to mitigate downvoting due to people who don't heavily invest a lot of time in said class.

For example If I said remove mimicry from coercers because they are a support and doing T1 DPS because of 1 Spell.
the coercers wouldn't be happy with me. And I have no place to judge it. I have played one, I know all about them, but I don't Heavily invest in it. So why should I feel Entitled to Downvote something which quite frankly doesn't concern me.

Now if it for some reason was bugged or broken and the damage double stacked on top of itself unintendedly, then fair enough I would Ask or comment for clarification.

But for Classes Just wanting their Basic AA's to be fixed or actually made worthwhile, or for their skills to actually be Up to Date with Current Content, I won't contest it.


New member
They can add a limit to the toons you can, why should someone is plays a toon that isn’t maxed and isn’t their main toon and probably doesn’t play them correctly get change the direction of that class? I main a sin and have since desert of flames, I also have a warden that is my raid alt, I don’t really keep up with all the metas on the warden I’m not an expert on the warden so I’m not going to make suggestions and tell other people their ideas are trash since it’s not my main toon just my two cents


New member
jack of all trades, master of none.
I agree.
Should be able to mitigate downvoting due to people who don't heavily invest a lot of time in said class.

For example If I said remove mimicry from coercers because they are a support and doing T1 DPS because of 1 Spell.
the coercers wouldn't be happy with me. And I have no place to judge it. I have played one, I know all about them, but I don't Heavily invest in it. So why should I feel Entitled to Downvote something which quite frankly doesn't concern me.

Now if it for some reason was bugged or broken and the damage double stacked on top of itself unintendedly, then fair enough I would Ask or comment for clarification.

But for Classes Just wanting their Basic AA's to be fixed or actually made worthwhile, or for their skills to actually be Up to Date with Current Content, I won't contest it.
That’s funny, I legit just typed out pretty much the same thing


I play 6 toons at the same time, been doing it for years. I don’t have a “main” - I have 6 mains. I shouldn’t get a vote on all these classes? That’s silly.
so you play 6 toons at the same time with 100% focus and attention on each one?
I dont have enough eyes for that.

your not a plumber your a handyman.
You should be able to comment, not vote, voting should be left up to your designated class which you should have the ability to change once every month or what have you.

Sweety D

so you play 6 toons at the same time with 100% focus and attention on each one?
I dont have enough eyes for that.

your not a plumber your a handyman.
You should be able to comment, not vote, voting should be left up to your designated class which you should have the ability to change once every month or what have you.

You not being able to do something doesn't mean others can't. Also, many of us have been playing for 20 years (25 counting EQ1). Many of us have had every class as a main at some point. Please be careful about telling others what they can and can't do. And, what they should and shouldn't do.
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