Partisan's Cleave - You cannot tell what this really does from the tooltip


New member
I love Partisan's Cleave. Please leave it alone but it would be nice if the explanation was improved to more accurately reflect what it does so people know how to get the most from it.

Based on my usage it seems that it will cast two copies of itself on the casting Guardian for every mob it hits who doesn't die. Up to 8 targets or 16 stacks. This can be doubled if you get a convenient ready up.

As you most likely already know each stack reduces all damage by 1.15% per stack and increases Crit Bonus a nominal amount. They may be small bonuses but if you know how it works then you can make it and yourself much more effective.

Now this may be common knowledge but it is not something I have ever read in game.

Of course if they wanted to increase the Crit Bonus per stack that would be nice 5-10 points would all help.
Make it increase crit bonus and overcap too

I'm on my phone so I can look it up right now but, I think it may only do crit bonus at this time?

Yeah it's the best Guardian AoE by far!

This is a good suggestion