Mindful Melody II


"Increases effectiveness of mage and priest elemental, magical, and noxious damage abilities by XXX.XX."

This needs to be modified to the following "Increases effectiveness of mage, priest, and the caster's elemental, magical, and noxious damage abilities by XXX.XX."

To put it simply, it is asinine that part of our epic spell doesn't affect our own abilities. Every other class's spell affects their abilities as well as the groups.


New member
This actually had a silent change to it last expac where while it doesn't explicitly state it affects your abilities, it actually does affect some but not all that I have found. I can't remember if it was the first or second GU last expac, but it happened at the same time that the troub was added into the pet pool too. You can notice via tooltips with and without Mindful Melody it'll affect spells like Discordant Verse, MoA, Dessication, and a few others I'd have to test again.
Not that I'm insinuating you haven't but it's something one has to do some testing to figure out. I do agree that the text on the spell could be changed to reflect that silent change though.


I thought I remembered seeing something like that but hadn't noticed. It could still be expressed in the spell to be more clear.


New member
This just points out how obscure restrictive buff typing is. The first part of the ability is great, and very "bard-esc" in that it amplifies other very impactful spells of other classes. The second part though, is fine but obviously problematic. Imo it would be far better if they instead changed it to a debuff that "increases all elemental, noxious, and arcane damage done to the target by XX%" (where the dirge counterpart could be, "...all physical and trauma damage done to the target..."). This could effectively do the same thing, and would further help the problem of a dirge being worthless in a mage group (and vice versa) by encouraging people to use damage-type baubles that align with the bard in group.


New member
This just points out how obscure restrictive buff typing is. The first part of the ability is great, and very "bard-esc" in that it amplifies other very impactful spells of other classes. The second part though, is fine but obviously problematic. Imo it would be far better if they instead changed it to a debuff that "increases all elemental, noxious, and arcane damage done to the target by XX%" (where the dirge counterpart could be, "...all physical and trauma damage done to the target..."). This could effectively do the same thing, and would further help the problem of a dirge being worthless in a mage group (and vice versa) by encouraging people to use damage-type baubles that align with the bard in group.
my only rebuttle to this would be damage changers. IF the group/raid for example isnt doing phsyical/trauma and are doing (Flames of Yore or Nox) then the dirge one would be completely negated and unused.

It would have to stay archtype specific to stay relevant regardless of the type of dmg outgoing.
Like on Eci for example having to do fire dmg to the ice blocks forces you to run flames of yore, be elementalist etc. compeltely negating all phsyical dmg % increases


New member
Yea, that's fair. Plus and minuses to both I suppose, but imo I don't see that as a "largely encountered" issue. If anything, it simply creates certain fights where one class is more desirable than the other, and the hope would be that there would be other fights where trauma or physical damage is required. However, it would be important to make both instances rare (as they currently are, as far as I know).


Active member
Do damage changers work for this? I thought they didn't for any sort of buff that increased damage of X type, and they only worked for debuffs that increase damage mobs take from X type.