Just wanted to say


Active member
I don't give a crap what elitest peeps in EQ say about EQ2. I get that they aren't the same game, and to me that's perfectly okay. I didn't play EQ originally, but friends have made me try it since, and it's not bad - but I like EQ2 better. Maybe because it's not as grindy and somewhat easier.

I did want to say this though: the lore for this game is outstanding. Every little thing I learn about it makes me fall in love with this game more. I complain about a lot, I realize, but the lore is awesome. Don't care what anyone says. I think my favorite is Mistmoore taking over Felwithe. I know many people who played the original that were pretty ticked about its fate. I like it though, because the tragedy of it makes it all the more interesting. I find Mistmoore to be an interesting character too. He seems to lay such devastation in everything he does.

Do any others have a favorite piece of EQ2 lore that they love? If so, what is it?


New member
I don't give a crap what elitest peeps in EQ say about EQ2. I get that they aren't the same game, and to me that's perfectly okay. I didn't play EQ originally, but friends have made me try it since, and it's not bad - but I like EQ2 better. Maybe because it's not as grindy and somewhat easier.

I did want to say this though: the lore for this game is outstanding. Every little thing I learn about it makes me fall in love with this game more. I complain about a lot, I realize, but the lore is awesome. Don't care what anyone says. I think my favorite is Mistmoore taking over Felwithe. I know many people who played the original that were pretty ticked about its fate. I like it though, because the tragedy of it makes it all the more interesting. I find Mistmoore to be an interesting character too. He seems to lay such devastation in everything he does.

Do any others have a favorite piece of EQ2 lore that they love? If so, what is it?
This is a great game, ive tried many others. All games have flaws or things players want changed, but this game has endured. From the lore to the questlines, housing and decoration, trade skilling etc.... This is not a cartoon (WoW), even with slightly dated graphics it holds it own. This is good entertainment. If all i did was raid i can see where iy might get a bit annoying, but otherwise I have toons of all levels, i play all content I craft on all 9 ts classes, i have many friends (although the social element is a bit small now) and a good guild with active players. I do wish there were more players but...


Active member
I don't give a crap what elitest peeps in EQ say about EQ2. I get that they aren't the same game, and to me that's perfectly okay. I didn't play EQ originally, but friends have made me try it since, and it's not bad - but I like EQ2 better. Maybe because it's not as grindy and somewhat easier.

I did want to say this though: the lore for this game is outstanding. Every little thing I learn about it makes me fall in love with this game more. I complain about a lot, I realize, but the lore is awesome. Don't care what anyone says. I think my favorite is Mistmoore taking over Felwithe. I know many people who played the original that were pretty ticked about its fate. I like it though, because the tragedy of it makes it all the more interesting. I find Mistmoore to be an interesting character too. He seems to lay such devastation in everything he does.

Do any others have a favorite piece of EQ2 lore that they love? If so, what is it?
I left EQ when they disbanded the volunteer Scout Program.

The only thing I really liked in that game was the crafting. There was pottery making and all sorts. Go harvest clay, and other materials, go to the potters wheel and make a vase or a pot. It was great. Maybe someday we can get some more crafting options here!!!


Keeper of the Server Hamsters
I can’t remember the quest line name, but it’s the Qeynos quests where it would take you throughout a series of investigations and tasks, then to the down under, and speak with the various NPCs in town (for those that were new post revamp, you always wondered what they were for as a lowbie). I also liked how it wrapped up with the Antonia Bayle story, the stereotypical “you have shown honor, come forth subject and save the city”. The backstory was really unique and felt very EverQuest like. I also enjoyed how it incorporated your archetypes common place. (The concordium tower for mages, temple of life for priests, etc)

Another one of my favorites is Maj’Dul in general. I love when fantasy games incorporate real life people (or in this case race), places or things and adapt or blend them into the world’s lore. Probably why I’m addicted to Kaitheel and team’s live events. They are meticulously crafted and done well, while respecting the world building and lore of the game.


Active member
I can’t remember the quest line name, but it’s the Qeynos quests where it would take you throughout a series of investigations and tasks, then to the down under, and speak with the various NPCs in town (for those that were new post revamp, you always wondered what they were for as a lowbie). I also liked how it wrapped up with the Antonia Bayle story, the stereotypical “you have shown honor, come forth subject and save the city”. The backstory was really unique and felt very EverQuest like. I also enjoyed how it incorporated your archetypes common place. (The concordium tower for mages, temple of life for priests, etc)

Ahh you're talking about the City of Qeynos questline. Yeah that's a great one!