Inquisitor or Templar?


Shy Artist
So, I am curious if one or the other is best for someone who likes being a tanky healer than can hit hard. I know Inquisitors are melee-focused and Templar is.. magic-focused(?) (been 15 years) but which one is better for me? I hadn't played either in, at least, a decade. I don't typically do group content nor do I do raids, but I also don't want to use mercenaries unless absolutely necessary.


Active member
I can only speak for myself... but.. inquisitor :). Inquisitors can go magic focus too, if wanted/needed, but they benefit more from melee (due to the CA's they get from AA's). I have not have any (major) problems with any soloable content at all (besides stupidity and/or not observing the enviroment and running off cliffs etc).
I rarerly have to heal, thanks to the punishment spells (reactive damage) that also heals the group for a set amount, never have trouble with power (thanks to inquest)

I also utilize inquisitor healer mercs, and let him heal/cure so I can focus on killing things. (ie merc is set to follow, nothing else, not even defending if attacked).


Shy Artist
I can only speak for myself... but.. inquisitor :). Inquisitors can go magic focus too, if wanted/needed, but they benefit more from melee (due to the CA's they get from AA's). I have not have any (major) problems with any soloable content at all (besides stupidity and/or not observing the enviroment and running off cliffs etc).
I rarerly have to heal, thanks to the punishment spells (reactive damage) that also heals the group for a set amount, never have trouble with power (thanks to inquest)

I also utilize inquisitor healer mercs, and let him heal/cure so I can focus on killing things. (ie merc is set to follow, nothing else, not even defending if attacked).
Yeah, it seems pretty sturdy, do wish it had more AoEs but, is fine. lol


New member
With the new changes, Templar has far more solid dps, is rock solid on the tanky side, and spreads raid wide heals. Hammer pet does good AE dps for a healer.


Active member
Yes, templar is a very good choice in group and raids, when it comes to healing and such. It is superior to inquisitor in pretty much everything except convenient gameplay and solo capability, which is, in my experience, 70-80% of the time we spend in the game.


Well-known member
I'm a templar solo mobs hit me and fall over. my hammer takes out the named it's pretty easy. With all my buffs on myself I'm pretty much immortal. I do not need to run a merc and haven't in solo content since vov I think. I can solo heal most content I also dps and out heal other healers in our raid force however an inquis has more valuable buffs if there's people running an auto spec in your raid team


New member
I have been solo running a templar up to Lvl 127 with no real problems to date. Life was made easier by getting my tradeskill up to 130 and getting flight access before working on my adventure skills. I was able to kit myself out from Tishan's Lockbox in BoZ before dropping back to continue the grind to 130 in earlier zones, whilst I get my BoZ mercs trained up. The only problem I have encountered so far was starting in BoZ without the merc batallion buff... My plan is to keep BoZ until I have at least 2 mercs fully trained, by which stage I should be into the final push to 130. On the rare occasion when I have wanted the security of a merc by my side, I have gone with an inquisitor merc.


Active member
Try an Inquisitor for some time and then try switching back to a templar. I've tried, failed miserably. Lasted for about two hours. It is like riding a Mini after a Ferrari.