Feedback Forum Image Handler / WYSIWYG is.. awful.


Active member
This is kinda wacky, but we've just upgraded the forums.

Why is this text editor so bad?

If you line-break with shift-enter, instead of enter (common practice), then any future backspace in that paragraph, even several sentences later will delete the line break.

The image uploader fails for simple screenshots. Sometimes it succeeds and then posts a broken image link. Sometimes you refresh and it comes back. Sometimes it doesn't. This is especially bad when pasting into the box from clipboard.

It's extremely difficult to escape a quote box once you've created it, unable to navigate before or after it

Plus many other things. Is this finalized? Or is there a chance to like.. fix this stuff.




Active member
Since the maintenance the other week I've been unable to insert a link, either with the button or just as plain text in the middle of message.


Active member
It worked for me, took be straight to World of Warcraft online...LOLOLOLOL...

Just kidding. both worked just fine.. hehe...


Senior Community Manager
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Community Team
The links would probably work if they actually got posted. When I paste here in the edit box nothing happens. If I open the link box the paste works but when I press the button to insert it it vanishes without trace.
Is it an image link?


Active member
Is it an image link?
No, I copied the same link you used above to remove any additional variables. And it appears to be a problem with pasting in general. I tried dropping a phrase of text in and it ignored that too. The only difference between the insert box and the main bos is that the paste appears in the inset box but vanishes when it should pass it back to the main box, whereas in the main box the paste text simply never appears in the first place.


Senior Community Manager
Staff member
Community Team
Are you using Ctrl + C/V or right clicking to copy/paste? Are you ensuring there are not extra spaces before or after?