Flourishing strike casting speed reduced.


New member
Flourishing strike cast time is 2.5 seconds and recast is 70 sec. I don’t have it in my main rotation because I feel it casts to long. I would like to see its cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds and recast 60 seconds.


Active member
What do you use instead of flourishing strike (for me it's a massive hit that does more dps than using snap of the wrist.

That said yes reducing the cast time and reuse a bit would be nice.


New member
Small disclaimer, I have only been a swash since the brigand got nerfed earlier in this expansion. But as I moved flourishing strike down as a priority to cast order, my raid wide dps has went up. On chromatic chamber (very easy first raid zone) in 3:23 of fighting the 3 raid mobs i have 128 hits with lucky gambit and just 2hits with flourishing strike. This is how i see it is i can get almost 5 combat arts off in that same amount of time, if it resets lucky gambit just once its more damage.


New member
What is the quality of your Flourishing Strike in comparison to Lucky Gambit? I cannot see how LG would hit harder if the tier of the abilities is comparable. For reference, I took LG as my Celestial, and have Flourishing at Ancient and my top hit on Flourishing hits anywhere from 10-30T more (very inexact science due to constantly changing stats and fabled/mythical crits, but I cannot remember a named raid fight Flourishing was not my highest single hit)

You also are not casting 5 CAs in that 2.5 seconds. Not logged in to double check, but saying .5 second cast for most single target CAs, THEN add another .5 second recovery time before your next ability begins casting, so 1 second per ability(also the reason for asking for the increase in duration for DoM). Most of the rest of my single target CAs are current expert versions and no three added together come close to what Flourishing does.

For science, put it at the top of your rotation, giving it the benefit of all your temps, and cast it every time it refreshes and see what it parses.

I can dm you a Chromatic Chamber parse when I get home for comparison


Active member
I guess the thought is lucky gambit is a hard hitting ability, so is the extra reset chance you get from using snap of the wrist vs flourishing strike equal or greater than the difference between dps on flourishing strike and snap of the wrist ( reset chance on any combat ability for lucky gambit and dashing swathe ), so if you cast flourishing strike 15 times you could have cast snap of the wrist 35 times instead, due to the recast time difference, giving you 20 extra chances of getting the lucky gambit/dashing swathe reset. certainly you would want to use flourishing strike when running temps and shadow as that works on a portion of the damage, flourishing hitting for 100t+ will spike the damage in mirror. Casting snap 35 times would would save you roughly 10s of casting vs casting flourishing 15 times, so 10s more to cast other stuff (need to test though to see what it's actually like in practice though)


Active member
Actually scratch that the maths don't work (based on the base ca numbers and assuming simple probability of the resets working) the snap of the wrist option equates to about 30% less overall dps (potentially if there was a raid name fight with lots of adds it would change) so while you save some casting time the drop in dps between snap and flourishing strike is greater than the additional lucky gambit/dashing swathe hits you would get. When you add in the additional benefit of ready up on flourishing vs snap (ready up benefits longer recast time more than shorter recast time)


New member
Actually scratch that the maths don't work (based on the base ca numbers and assuming simple probability of the resets working) the snap of the wrist option equates to about 30% less overall dps (potentially if there was a raid name fight with lots of adds it would change) so while you save some casting time the drop in dps between snap and flourishing strike is greater than the additional lucky gambit/dashing swathe hits you would get. When you add in the additional benefit of ready up on flourishing vs snap (ready up benefits longer recast time more than shorter recast times.
I don’t use snap the wrist ever. And I could be wrong, I am new. I use flurry of blades, sea fury thrust, artic blast, razor edge, and walk the plank all before flourishing strike. My flourishing strike says 38t, flurry of blades, sea fury thrust, artic blast and razors edge I can land in the same amount of time. And those 4 skills add up to 57 t in same amount of time you cast one flourishing strike. And then you factor in procs, 2 more procs of inspiring daring is another 6t. Let alone procs from your group members. But I could be all washed up on this. Flourishing strike is 17th skill in my rotation. So it does get used in real long fights. Never even tried snap the wrist in my rotation.


Active member
Flourishing strike is the new version of snap of the wrist (same timer but different recast/casting speed) you should use flourishing strike then in the 35s you have till it's back up use the other skills, then rinse repeat, then you get massive hit from flourishing strike and all the others. Flourishing strike has a1.25s casting time so how are you hitting 4 skills in that time?


Active member
With the cast time and recovery time most you could do is 2 hits and start the 3rd within 1.25s and thats only if they are macrod orher wise the time to move the mouse between icons would reduce the amount u can cast further. Also most procs have a limit to the amount of times they can hit so multiple close together hits do not always proc the abilities (depends on the ability though)


Active member
Going to have to test it to see as well, out of interest if you are happy to would you mind sharing a parse with me? Can send it in private message if you like, would just be interesting to see how it compares, will send one to you later of you want (not at my computer currently)


Active member
FLourishing Strike should be near the top of your rotation behind only LG, DS, and Shadow IMO. Flourishing strike is not AE, so on the parse, it will be less than the ones I mentioned before if there are adds, and LG and DS have a chance to reset through other arts and will go off more often bringing them up. But FS should be hitting much harder than those mentioned here.