Fixed Internally Effigy of Emptiness Item cant loot when multiple drop


New member
This is also problematic in heroics, as they dont split and always go to one person.
what's worse is I have 2 of the Pants III, they drop in a stack of 2 and gives me the Lore error, then splits them and gives 1 to 2 other people..... if it is going to split the stack and hand 1 out to 2 other people it could have gave me the 1 that I won through need/greed instead of the error.


Active member
So in theory we will never complete the pants or chest as they always seem to drop in a stack of 2? If I delete one to have a chance to roll (having 2 gives error) I would have to get extremely lucky to win both each roll?


New member
If there is no fix today here is a work around. If you have 2 of the item inventory you can shift and destroy one. You then need to camp to self and when back loot the chest. You will have a 3stack then. You need to camp to self because the game still registers you had 2 lore items even though you destroyed 1. Make sure you get back before your chest rots.


Active member
If there is no fix today here is a work around. If you have 2 of the item inventory you can shift and destroy one. You then need to camp to self and when back loot the chest. You will have a 3stack then. You need to camp to self because the game still registers you had 2 lore items even though you destroyed 1. Make sure you get back before your chest rots.
You don't need to camp to loot, you just have to reopen the chest.


Active member
If there is no fix today here is a work around. If you have 2 of the item inventory you can shift and destroy one. You then need to camp to self and when back loot the chest. You will have a 3stack then. You need to camp to self because the game still registers you had 2 lore items even though you destroyed 1. Make sure you get back before your chest rots.
This wont work for H1 H2 unless you get the entire group to agree you will be looting BOTH effigy's. Plus you dont need to camp, deleting one is enough (I do this in solo to get 3).