Dragonfire: a return to glory (Uncapped targets, and dot dmg boost)


To be clear- i wasn't around in the "Glory" (OP) days of dragonfire, and i'm not a fan of classes being a 1 trick pony when it comes to damage. With that said, it is a class defining ability.

Pt1: I would to increase DOT portion of the damage on this spell. This will increase its damage output but prevent increased damage spikes while also allowing skill to remain with knowing the best time to reset the ability using Rising Dragon.

Pt 2:
As part of this i would like to take off the cap on the number of targets. (or at least raise it to 12 or 15)
The 8 mob limitation doesn't really accomplish the goal, because as much as dragonfire is used for damage, it is also the ONLY aoe snap that monks get. The problem is that the moment there are more than 8 enemies, it fails as a reliable AOE snap. If you use Dragonfire, then reset with Rising Dragon so you can use Dragonfire a second time- there's currently no guarantee you didn’t just hit the SAME 8 mobs twice if you have 12 mobs around you- meaning it may not have actually helped to hold AOE agro. If we increase the max number of targets it returns the ability back to one of its intended purpose- being an AOE snap!