Darkpaw Warrens Solo - Can't get bosses from a certain group anymore to be able to complete the zone


This hasn't happened to me, but it has happened to someone I know.

The boss group that contains Anima of Snarlip, Brucko the Brutal, Madpaw Mixl, Frostok & Iceclaw, Repungus, and Sporky and getting people tied up and they're not able to finish the zone.

Anima of Snarlip - requires crafted mallet (pieces are rare drops)
Repungus - requires crafted zygomyd smorgasbord (truffles are a rare find)
Sporky - requires crafted zygomyd smorgasbord (truffles are a rare find)

So right out the gate, these 3 can't be done most of the time.

Madpaw Mixl - requires key from gatekeeper (a no-zone item) which can decay if not looted
Brucko the Brutal - requires cursed femurs (a no-zone item) which can decay if not looted and players can also mess up the bone puzzle
Frostok & Iceclaw - requires drums (a no-zone item) and players can also mess up the drums puzzle.

Some people are leaving the zone after having gotten these items or going linkdead and losing them after they had gone around and gathered them all or was unaware they were needed and let the corpses decay without looting and then they also don't have the crafted items needed to spawn the other 3 bosses belonging to this group which makes it so they are unable to finish the zone.

Is there a way we can make make a "fail safe" boss that players can get regardless? Every other boss group needed to clear up through the shaman has one. (Hamlet, Twotooth, Vmork, Grotglutton)


Senior Designer
Staff member
Failing to loot the Mudpaw gatekeeper's key will no longer potentially gate (pun intended) progression. This fix is now live.

Yorgen's a bonus boss.