Suggestion Darkpaw Gem of Fervent Guile/Sharpened Claw


New member
The reward adornment from the solo and heroic collections are locked to a specific slot (legs, chest) and are arguably worse then the adornments that most people already use in those slots, however if you allowed those adorns to be used in any slot specifically in the white version they would be arguably BIS for several pieces like cloak, charm, wrist ...etc and would be highly desirably. As the adorns are now, talking to most of my guildees they are not motivated to finish those shiny collections because they feel the rewards are of no value.


Agree. Right now there's not much reason to care about finishing them. With brightfeather/darkfeather/metis/4 white panda set there's not much room to put these as either a white or a purple for the slot they're available for.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that these were put in for those that actually have to invest time in these zones. There are a lot of people, a lot, that can solo, not only the solo but basically duo the h1 and even trio or 4 man the h2, so to give you a crazy BIS adorn would kinda be ridiculous. Those that are working this zone and putting in time probably don't have all 5 dark/5 light/ both metis, etc. This zone wasn't meant to be hard, just annoying and honestly I haven't finished the collection, but then again I haven't been motivated to do anyting except when asked to jump in with some guildies. The only challenge mob in there is the H3 mob.


New member
Finally got mine and won't end up using it. I should have checked the reward before buying shinies to finish. The leg one is useless. Rather just wear potency. Chest would maybe be okay if I didn't have bright feather there. Can't use the chest as a white adorn.