Chronosiphoning coercer/illusionist


New member
This spell is useful for reducing the speed of mobs cast bars when they need to be interrupted; But, it gives a mere 1% ability doublecast per rank
For this to be competitive with other such feats, it would need to IMO have the ability doublecast increased to around 2.5-3% total, or possibly have a Fervor overcap component


New member
Technically this an ability for both Coercer and Illusionist rather than a Coercer specific ability change which I think is what this category is going for. But ill comment on it before the Dev's decide on it.

That whole AA category needs to be adjusted as there are alot of abilties that need to be modernized and brought up to snuff. As far as Chronosiphoning goes I think it should be made into a Passive especially with some of the more recent changes to stats on items. 30 second duration with 15 sec recast. It might as well be considered a passive ability. I used to have that ability several years ago just macro'd to other casts. Better to just adjust it and make it passive. Decreasing abilities of encounter mobs is a dead stat because it hasnt functioned in game for several years. If you were using it, it did nothing. Encounters in the game would need to be tweaked to be affected by these kinds of abilities but in the past stacking classes made abilities like these troublesome and sometimes led to exploits.