Avoid Blame not accurate on TLE


New member
Avoid Blame AA ability gives a damage proc.

My understanding was the damage proc was a silly parse topper, and it was just 100% removed.

The thing is we have a long history of nerfs done with a scorched earth mentality. "Just remove it completely".

I suggest that this is not the best approach Instead of working to bring it into a form of balance.

I posted on this previously, and I stand behind my post, asking for nerfs to be mindful and if the dev team decides that something should be removed completely -- then please just remove it. Having a dead ability that used to be the glory of a class doesn't help us have a good time on the game, and that is why we play.

That's the thread.


New member
What I'd suggest for Avoid Blame is just what I posted previously. Scale the damage so it parses reasonably. Please don't scale it using internal cooldowns, because that is a blanket that just smothers the excitement and creativity of the player base.

I'd suggest some of the following approaches:
1) Quantitative scaling = instead of cancelling it, reduce its damage by 50%. If that is not enough reduce its damage by 70 or even 80%.
2) Lean into the "combat art" side of things. Make it only trigger off of combat arts instead of triggering off of combat hits. This reduces the number of potential hits and encourages more active play. It also has good theming, such that the swashbuckler artfully hits and procs an avoid blame -- so -- hey it wasn't me - and despite it hurting more with the extra damage - the target still doesn't realize its the swashbuckler who did it.
3) Proc chance reduction = instead of cancelling it, reduce its trigger change by 50%. (this has the benefit of reducing server load from number of hits.

So for summarization. If something needs a nerf -- hey, cool, thanks for nerfing it. Please let us try to not nerf things so much that the ability, once the most fun part of the character becomes trash that is removed from AA-specs, and abilities taken off of hotbars because they are just bad / worthless. (like curse of darkness, infusion etc.)