Feedback Avatar Portal Size


New member
Would it be possible to make the generic portals shrink to same size at the unique ones. It hurts my OCD to have different portal sizes. Plus they take up a lot more room when we are going to be stacking up all them in our houses. With Drinal we are at 3 generics now.



New member
I would imagine they are linked to the same item/graphic in the backend database, so hopefully changing one will change the other. But you never know, they might have to be unique (copy/paste job).


Raid Dev
Staff member
I'll take a look, is it just the ones that don't have a unique appearance?
The ones that were way bigger than the others should be a bit more managable now. Got it checked in today, so might be in tomorrow's update. If not, then definitely in the next one. You'll likely need to pick them up and replace them for it to take affect.
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Raid Dev
Staff member
The size was adjusted but it didn't quite make the update this past Tuesday (5/7) but is part of the next update coming in the next couple weeks. We have no plans to change the verb to default click at this time, sorry.


New member
You guys rock. I know you are busy people and it is more of a cosmetic issue but it messed with my OCD with the different sizes. :)