AA: Piercing Arrows - update values


Active member
The 'offensive stance' AA for Channelers is a great idea, but their values have fallen way, way off and should be modernized for level 125+.

Channeled Wrath has a chance to proc a raidwide buff, but only on hostile conduit abilities, making it pretty tightly constrained: it only has a chance to proc (35%), has a relatively short duration (~12 seconds), and a trigger limit (5 seconds), so it can be fairly difficult to stack. I don't think this difficulty should be necessarily lessened, I just think the reward for doing so successfully should be much, much higher, rewarding excellent play.

Currently it boosts potency by 477 per stack. I'd increase this 100 times over, making it 47.7k per stack, with a maximum of 3 stacks.
CBO is boosted by a flat 63.3 if you have at least 2 stacks. I'd increase this by a factor of 10, to 633, but make it multiplied by increments: so 633 *2 or *3.
Fervor overcap is boosted by 19.7 if you have at least 3 stacks. I'd increase this also by a factor of 10, but not have it multiplied by increments, so a flat 197 fervor overcap for 3 stacks.
Weapon Damage Overcap is 72.2 - I'd increase it similar to CBO, where it's bosted by *10 to 722, but also make it multiplied by increments: so 722 * (1 to 3).

This would have the effect of providing a solid boost if the channeler maintains 1 stack, while becoming *very* strong if the channeler has up to 3 - but as mentioned before, that can be quite tricky to do so.

For the self-buff aspect of the AA, we can increase those pretty liberally because priest damage is generally fairly miniscule. Melee multiplier could go from 0.15 to 15, potency modifier to 15k, critical modifier to 2k.


Active member
Yeah, it's super difficult, which is why I felt the very high values would be justified. My personal preference would be to leave it extremely difficult but make a very skilled channeler turn into a great asset for a group/raid due to the potentially huge values at 3 stacks.
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New member
that doesn't really seem reasonable, when other healers major group buffs are until cancelled or 1 button every 90 seconds

having some sort of mechanic to maintain makes it interesting, but it needs to be reasonably achievable


Active member
We could make it easier to achieve either by increasing the proc chance or increasing the duration. I'd just hesitate to make it too easy, since I feel the challenge of maintaining three stacks justifies how strong we'd be making it. Maybe something like bumping the duration to 15 seconds?


New member
I like where this is headed, I discovered this thread after I wrote mine in the Warden forum - to overhaul their stances.

I am glad others are thinking of these! Let's work together to get these stances overhauled across the board


New member
I feel like you're not mathing here Chath - 3 extra seconds isn't going to move the needle

It requires hostile conduit - which is an extremely rate limited thing to cast to try and trigger the 35% chance, you could go an entire 12(or 15) second window without triggering it a single time


Active member
Duration does give dissonance time to fade if you get unlucky on procs and need to spam for stacks, as well as a bit more room to get in another proc near the end - going from 12 to 15 seconds is a 25% increase in duration, so it's not nothing. We could bring the proc chance up to 50% to make it a mirror of defensive stance's proc chance as well, but I do worry about making it too easy.


New member
If you want to make it a bit easier to keep the stacks up, I'd suggest reducing the proc limit from 5 to 3 seconds. It will help only a little bit with staying at 3 stacks, but makes it faster to get back to 3 stacks after you do loose it. That will also help getting to 3 stacks in heroic content where fights tend to be shorter.

Aside from that, I'm all for making things that require actual skill to use better, and worth using.